Unexpected Guest

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The following morning I woke to hear paws on the ground. Well, not morning, it was actually the middle of the night. I slowly got up and scratched my back, listening closely. When I heard some curse words I got up and out of my tent.

Rouge scent was all over our "territory" and I searched to find the intruder. When I spotted him I growled. He whirled around and snarled, stopping quickly.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

"What do you want," I spat at him. He took a step back.

"Can I speak to your leader?" he asked, then shook his head. He seemed nice so I straightened my legs. I hadn't even noticed that I had been crouching. I turned around to Adams tent. I stalked over and zipped it open.

A very sleepy Adam snored loudly.

"Hey, Adam, wake up. We have a guest," I shouted at him. He jerked then looked around, frightened.

"Come on Adam."

I swivelled away from his tent, leaving it opened, and walked back to the visitor.

"I like your hair," he commented. a warm bubbly feeling speed through my body and I smiled.

"And your smile," with that I had to glance away. Why was I feeling this way?! When I looked back at him he smiled.

"What's your name?" I asked, changing the conversation.

"Kenny, and this," he turned to look at a tree, and a little boy, about three, took a step out from behind it, "and that's Max."

"Oh!" I squeaked, "hi!"

"And what's your name?"


"You actually have to think about that?" the little boy, Max, piped up.

"No," I answered, "my name is Kyla."

He stuck out his hand to shake mine but when I handed it out he kissed it first. A high pitched chuckle escaped my lips and a heavy and warm laugh erupted from him after hearing mine.



"Hey," I heard Adams deep voice, "let's talk buisness."

"I am Kenny and this is my ANNOYING younger brother Max," Kenny stated.

"Ok," Adam crossed his arms, "and what do you want?"

"To join you."

Silence✔️: Book 1 In The Moon SeriesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz