Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I don't know how long I sat there trying to process what Marq had just said. Paxton nudged me with his leg, as if prompting me to say something. I shifted in his lap uncomfortably. There's no way Marq just told me what I thought he did. Did I hear wrong?

"You're an Alpha?" I said hesitantly, needing the clarification.

Marq nodded slowly as I moved back on Paxton's lap, my back meeting his chest in shock. His touch calmed me. It felt strange, but in the most comforting way possible. I still needed to adjust to the whole idea of soul mates, and werewolves for that matter. I closed my eyes and brought my hands up to cover my face.

Paxton rubbed circles on my waist as I deeply sighed.

"No, no, no," I mumbled into my palms.

"Bree," I heard Marq say slowly, guilty. "Are you okay?"

He can't be an Alpha. He's normal, he can't just say that to me and expect me to be okay. Sure, I was fine with Paxton being a werewolf. I didn't care, he didn't hide it from me. He trusted me enough to tell me as soon as he met me. But Marq? We've been friends for ages, years. He kept me out of the light until now. How could he do that to me? I thought I meant more to him than that. Does he not trust me?

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I croaked. My throat became tight and tears threatened to pour out of my eyes.

Marq looked weak and torn. He opened his mouth multiple times to say something before closing it. I wished that he'd tell me there was a reason why he couldn't; anything, but he didn't.

Paxton gave me a tight hug behind and kissed my cheek before whispering in my ear. "I'll leave you two to talk."

I watched him leave with tears in my eyes. I wrapped my arms around myself, missing his comfort. I looked back at Marq's broken expression. I didn't just feel hurt; I felt betrayed. The life I've lived with him felt like a lie.

"I was scared. Scared of what you'd think of me." Marq said so quietly I could barely hear him.

"Scared?" I said with more sarcasm then I intended. "Scared of what, me? You know I wouldn't have cared. I tell you everything. I told you my secrets, about my dad! Hell, I even told you about my crazy, psycho mother!"

I began to cry, tears streaming down my face as I sobbed. I didn't mean to talk about my mom like that. She deserves more than a child who could barely take care of her. A child who wouldn't talk bad of her like I did.

Everything was falling apart; I was falling apart. I didn't have anyone I trusted anymore, except Paxton. Through the tears in my eyes, I saw his shadow by the door. He had his fists clenched and I instantly knew he wanted to comfort me. I wanted him to, but he kept himself at bay. He wanted us to talk it out, but I was beginning to give up on our conversation before Marq spoke.

"I know. I know you would have accepted me but there was always a part of me that was scared. I've seen how some people have treated werewolves and I didn't want you to look at me like that."

"Like what?" I said, hugging myself tighter.

"Like a freak," he spat out.

It broke me to think he'd think this way. He was torn over what he thought I'd think of him. I never thought he'd care so much about my opinion. I went to him and threw my arms over him. "I'd never think that, ever," I whispered to him.

He wrapped him arms around me and pulled me closer.

"I'm so sorry," he repeated over and over, sounding genuinely sorry, yet happy that I accepted him for who he was. It was a rare thing for Marq to say sorry. The word sounded foreign in his mouth but I took his apology. I couldn't stay mad at him now, not after he just told me something so important to him- to his life.

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