Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Marq dragged me off the bed. "Up, up, up!"

"Please, spare me," I groaned. It was seven in the morning and already, Marq wanted me to get ready for the party tonight. It doesn't take twelve hours to get ready, right?


Marq took me to three hair and nail salons, a tanning and waxing salon, and to a makeup artist. By the time we had done all that, there was only two hours left to spare.

I felt raw and violated. Hair was plucked from places that I never even knew had visible hair growing there. My head stung from when they pulled and styled my hair a few hours ago. While putting on my dress, I looked up at the mirror in my bathroom. My hair was in a loose, curly up-do and my eyes had a smokey look to them.

If girls took this long to look this good all the time, I was starting to understand why they did it. I looked sexy and I, suddenly, felt as if I could take over the world. My confidence was off the charts. For once in my life, I didn't care what people thought of me.

I heard someone knock on my door before opening it. Marq stood there in a black tux and blue tie, his blonde hair slightly spiked up. He looked me up and down and I swear I saw his eyes changing from light blue to a deep ocean blue. I loved the way he looked at me, like he didn't care about anything but me.

"The carriage is here my lady," he grinned.


Marq held the door open for me as I climbed out from the sleek, black limo. The party was being held at the host's house which looked more like a museum than a house. Colossal pillars surrounded the area and a lengthy set of stairs, which led to the front door, where a long line of people were waiting. Statues of stone wolves stood tall near the entrance. Each one had a different, yet heroic, look to them. I marveled over them as we walked past them.

I let out a relieved sigh when the bouncer let me in. I made a mental note about the correct way to dress at these kinds of events. There was a weird aroma that filled the air. For some reason, I had a strange feeling about this place. Something life changing was going to happen here tonight.

As soon as we entered, everyone around us bowed their heads. My eyebrows rose in surprise. I knew Marq was a good chef, but I didn't know people actually bowed to him because of it. I glanced toward him and he winked at me. Flashing him a grin of pride, I stood a bit more confidently.

A woman quickly made her way over to us and latched herself onto Marq's arm, squishing her boobs against his chest. Her hair was a golden shade that matched her dress. She was a bit too skinny in my opinion and was wearing far too much makeup and perfume. I wrinkled my nose at the smell of her perfume. She looked my way, her face morphing into a look of disgust. I shot a questioning brow up at Marq. Did I have something on my face?

"Another charity case, Marqiepoo?" she cooed.

Marq pursed his lips and slowly moved his arm out of her grip. "Actually, Eva, she's a very important person to me," he told her, flashing me a smile before wrapping an arm around my waist. "She's my date for tonight."

Eva huffed. "Well, wouldn't you rather spend time with me?" She crossed her arms, showing even more cleavage and looked him in the eye. "I could show you a great time." She winked at him suggestively.

Marq clenched his jaw. "I don't babysit, sorry."

Babysit? I looked closer at Eva and noticed how young she was. She looked around fifteen.

"I'm seventeen! I'm old enough and have certainly done it enough to show you a good time!" she wailed.

"Exactly, you're seventeen. Go find someone your own age who'll treat you good." He glared at her when she wouldn't get the message and leave. "Go, now! Before I make you."

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