Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"Bree? It's Marq."

I sucked in a shaky breath from the sound of his voice. My heart beat faster and faster every second I didn't reply. My screaming conscience wasn't sure if I should yell at him for not answering my calls, or be happy that he was okay. I chose the latter.

"Marq? Is everything okay? Why haven't you been answering my calls?" I asked worriedly, causing Paxton to growl deeply. He pulled me from my laying position into his lap, before resting his head against my neck. I stared confusedly at him for his sudden possessiveness before switching the phone to my other ear, allowing him to rest his head comfortably on my neck. He wrapped an arm around my waist and took deep, calming breaths.

"I'm fine, there's just been a lot going on," he said, sounding distracted. Before I could ask what was wrong, he continued. "Is everything okay with you? Has, you know who, done anything to hurt you?"

Paxton yanked the phone out of my hand. "No, you know who hasn't, or ever will," he said harshly before softening his tone at the end. "Why do you care if she's fine? She's mine to take care of, not yours," he said, returning to his snappy mood.

I could see that Paxton was gripping the phone hard, as his fingers were white. He kept his arm, that wasn't holding the phone, tightly wrapped around me. I rested my head against his, trying to hear what Marq was saying.

Marq's strong voice barked through the phone. "She's not something you can just call yours. In fact, I was the one who was taking care of her before you came along and stole her away."

A deep grunt rumbled from Paxton as I took the phone out of his hands, not wanting them to fight. All I wanted to know was if Marq was okay. I felt like it has been forever since we last talked.

"I don't want you talking to him." Paxton frowned, "Why is he so concerned about you?"

I shook my head at him and climbed off his lap. He followed me as I walked back into the kitchen and turned off the stove. I got out another spoon and stirred the pasta before speaking.

"Did something bad happen?" I asked. I heard Paxton come up behind me and nibbled at my neck softly. As much as I enjoyed his sweet torture, I moved out of his grip, sending him a look. It felt weird, seeing as I was still on the phone. He stopped, but continued to hold me.

"No...I'm fine, really. Bree, as much as I'd love to chat, I need to speak to Paxton," Marq sighed as I heard him rummaging through his desk drawer.

Feeling disappointed, I handed Paxton the phone. We barely talked for two minutes and he was ready to talk to someone else. I felt like I needed his reassurance more than he needed mine. I pouted, causing him to peck my lips before taking the phone and walking to the dinner table. He engaged conversation with Marq quietly as I watched him. He looked concentrated with his face in a frown.

I turned away from him and brought the pot off the stove. I poured pasta onto two plates, and saved some for Kyle before putting it to the side. I frowned, realizing I made too much food to eat in a day. I couldn't put it in the fridge yet, it was still contaminated. Shuddering at the thought, I grabbed two forks from the drawer and brought the food over to Paxton.

I thought about what we were just talking about not too long ago. Mates. Just the thought of such a thing made me feel warm inside. To know who your second half was, before the first date and before you even spoke one word to each other, sounded too good to be true. Although, I didn't know what was real anymore. For now, I decided to believe Paxton.

As I put the food down of the table, Paxton looked absolutely furious. He glanced at me before standing up. "I'll be right back," he muttered before storming out the kitchen with the phone pressed to his ear.

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