Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Jeff's mouth formed an 'o' shape at the sight of Paxton. He had lazily tied a shirt around his waist to cover his area and his hair was messed to the left. He was breathing sharply from rushing here and immediately his eyes darted to me, checking for any injuries. I imitated him. After he was sure that I was okay and after I was sure of him, we both let out a sigh of relief. Jeff made his way out the door, silently excusing himself.

Paxton stared at me intensely for a few moments and I quickly decided that he wasn't going to talk first.

"Are you okay?" I asked. "Jeff said that you might not make it back because they were tough rogues and I don't know." I tugged at my hair. "I got worried because you seem like a cool guy but you're a werewolf. There's just something about you that makes me want to stay."

A smile tugged against Paxton's lips. I sucked in my breath at the sight. He was literally breathtaking.

"No one can hurt me, except you," he drawled out slowly. His expression became serious but his eyes softened.

"Why me?" I asked.

He shrugged and left the room. I followed confused as he led me to a room across the hall.

"Is this your room?" I said as I looked around. The room was simple. A bed in the corner and another door connecting to the bathroom. He tossed me a shirt and basketball shorts.

"Only for emergencies." He grabbed some clothes from another drawer. I quickly headed to the bathroom and changed. I blushed when I realized they were his clothes. I glanced at the bathroom mirror before silently screaming into my hand.

My mascara had been smeared and smudged downwardly. My hair hung loosely from what was left of the up do. I looked like a wreck. I grabbed a towel and tried fixing the make up while using my other hand to comb my hair.

When I came out, Paxton was already dressed in black slacks and a navy blue button up shirt. He pushed his sleeves up a bit to his forearms before sitting on the bed and gesturing me to sit next to him. I plopped down on the bed which caused him to frown.

"Those rogues were after you."

I blankly stared at him as his brows furrowed.

"What?" I shouted.

His frown deepened. "Yes, but I killed them."

"Why are they after me?" I demanded. I haven't done anything, why were after me? I've never heard about werewolves in my life.

"I don't know-" he said before pausing and gazing elsewhere. He stood up immediately. "Dinner's ready."

I let out a groan of frustration. "Can we please talk about why the rogues are after me?" I asked exhaustedly. Too much has happened today and finding out that rogues were after me just topped the cherry on the sundae.

"No time," he muttered before hooking his arm around my waist and dragging me up and out the room.

In less than five minutes we went to what looked like the main eating area, retrieved our food and were now sat in Paxton's office. I watched wide eyed as he ate all his food in 10 seconds flat. I slowly picked at the chicken wing on my plate.

"As we were saying earlier, you're in danger." He tossed his plate in the trash. "You'll be staying with me."

"What?" I said quickly.

He nodded. "You need to stay with me until I find out why they were after you."

My mouth gaped open. "I have a job! I have to take care of someone," I said, trying to come up with an excuse not to stay with him.

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