"Yes we are, and thank you. But do you mind if I call you Mr. Hizashi, I'm not really big on honorfics because I never really got the hang of them" I tell him and offer the man a small, slightly awkward, smile. "Ah! There it is, I was waiting for you to give me a smile of some sorts. You're school back in America sent us a report on your personality and said you're always seen smiling. I was slightly concerned when I saw you frowning so hard and looking nervous like you were. But you can call me Mr. Hizashi as well" Present Mic tells me sounding very excited that I'm smiling instead of looking worried and frowning. "O-oh, I'm sorry for worrying you" I apologize shyly, "no it's not a problem! You're just nervous is all" he quickly tells me. "So do you have any questions?" Mr. Hizashi asks me as we reach one of the exits of the airport.

"Um yes, has the class year started yet?" I ask him curiously. "Actually it hasn't, it starts in two weeks from now on a Saturday at 8:40am" he informs me, I'm kind of grateful it's 2 weeks from now because I'll have some time to get myself adjusted to this place. "Will I be required to take an entrance exam even though I'm already in the school's system?" I ask again once we reach outside the airport. We begin walking towards a cab that seems to have been waiting specifically for us. "Yes you will. You'll have to take the physical exam but it's only so we know where to place you. If you fail the physical exam you'll still be a student of the school but based on your score results you will ether be placed in class 1A or 1B of the hero's course or one of the general course classes" Mr. Hizashi tells me when we reach the cab. "So do you have any more questions I can answer?" Mr. Hizashi says as we enter the cab, "to this address please" he tells the driver and hands the man a slip of paper.

"Yes sir" the driver replies before looking at the address and driving off. "Um, can you tell me a little about UA? I've heard about it a little bit before but not much" I say and relax in the comfortable seat of the taxi cab. I think I'm starting to feel a little more comfortable around Mr. Hizashi, he seems like a really nice and fun person too which is good. I didn't really know what to expect of the people here, I heard that Japanese people can be a little hostile towards foreigners and I'm really hoping that's not true. At least Mr. Hizashi is nice. "I can give you a brief history of UA if you want" Mr. Hizashi suggest and I nod my head silently saying I would like to hear it. "U.A. is one of highest ranked high school for heroics and is considered as the top Hero Academy in Japan, you could call us the number one heroic high school. Students are separated based on their abilities into specific departments and classes. Classes A and B being the highest and the only classes that make up the hero course. Classes  C through G make up the general course while class H is made up of the support classes or business classes. Each class will usually consist of 20 students unless they somehow end up getting expelled" Mr. Hizashi explains to me. 

"Wow, that's a lot of classes in one grade" I say feeling slightly overwhelmed by how many classes there are in each grade. That means there are 11 classes in each grade, 11 classes for three grades resulting in 33 classes overall in UA. Now let's say in all grades no one will get expelled, that means that there will be 660 students total in this school! Woah! "Any more questions?" Mr. Hizashi asks, "can you tell me about......" and just like that the rest of the ride is spent with me asking Mr. Hizashi questions about UA and Japan until we reach out destination. "Thank you sir" Mr. Hizashi says and hands the driver some money. "Alright Davis-chan let me show you to your new apartment, you're on the seventh floor room in apartment 710" Mr. Hizashi tells me as she exits the cab. "Seventh floor, room 710, right" I repeat as I climb out after him with my suit case in hand. 

We both enter the apartment complex and take the stairs up to the seventh floor. "I've been meaning to ask, but can I know what's in that case you're carrying? I'm just curious" Mr. Hizashi asks me as he points to the case Peter gave me before I left the States. "Sure, someone close to me made a hero costume for me before I left, and this is it. I can wear it in UA if I make the hero course right?" I tell him as I hold out the case to him as we reach the next floor. "Of course! If you want I can take it over to the school and register it if you want" Mr. Hizashi tells me with a thumbs up. "Yes please! That would be wonderful!" I tell him excitedly as a large smile creeps on my face. "No problem Davis-chan" Mr. Hizashi tells me with his own smile. "Also, you can call me Maria if you want. It's really weird for me to be called by my last name" I tell him, laughing awkwardly as I rub my back of my head feeling slightly embarrassed. 

The American Spider: MariaWhere stories live. Discover now