Chapter41: The darkness continues

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There was no response and only silence. Lloyd didn't like where this was going and started to have some anxiety. He managed to keep the shakiness out of his voice when he was trying to act like he wasn't afraid. "Whoever is out here, Show yourself!" He commanded.  There was still no answer coming from anywhere and Lloyd was getting annoyed. He needed to get to the light switch to shine some light in this case. Just then, Lloyd heard the sound of one of his photo frames dropping on the ground. He looked around and he headed to the light switch. He walked over, flipping the switch. When he did however, he saw nothing was there. He raised an eyebrow. "I could've sworn I heard something." he muttered to himself as he looked around. But still nothing, he sighed. Maybe he just needed some sleep, with that thought, the green ninja got into his bed getting under the covers.

He smiled as he was now all under his covers. He reached over shutting off his light. As he was about to fall asleep,: "Hello Lloyd. Would you like to play a game? A voice asked. Lloyd shot up looking around for the voice. Looking around, he started to breath heavily as he looks around. When he looked around and when he turned on the light he saw one of his worst fears. He saw clowns, his eyes widened as they held knives. He jumped up and ran towards his window jumping out of the now broken window. He fell to the floor with a thump and he breathed heavily. Glass was everywhere when the adrenaline was gone. He looked and saw he was bleeding and he definitely knew something was broken because it sure felt like it was. When he tried moving, he felt pain go through his body and fought the urge to cry. Things got worse when he turned his head for he saw the Bizarro ninja looking at him.
Lord Garmadon was in borg tower in this throne room. Looking at his city below and he smiled "Such a beautiful night. For some destruction to ninjago city" the oni lord said with a smile. When footsteps were heard behind him but he didn't fear who it was, he already knew. "Lord Garmadon." Bizarro Kai said as the three bowed their heads. Garmadon turned around to face the three fake ninja, a smile was shown on his face. "I have a mission for you. Do you know where the bounty is?" He questioned the ninja. Bizarro Jay snarled at the mention of that ship."Yeah we know. That was the place we were defeated by the green ninja." the blue fake ninja explained as he snarled.

Bizarro Cole stepped forward to add to his colleague's statement. "He's gotten a lot stronger than the last time we saw him." the three ninjas smiled much to garmadon's annoyance. "He was a kid. Now he's a teenager, you idiots!" He scolded them. The three ninjas decided to bite their tongues then to not tick off the oni lord. Garmadon smiled at the silence. "Good. Now then I command you all to go spy on the resistance and see what they are up to understand?" He asked as he looked at the the ninja who nodded. The oni lord smiled, as he walked to his throne once again.

"Remember this: 'Keep a close eye on the green ninja at all costs, don't let him out do your sights.' do you understand?" he asked. The ninja nodded in fear of what he could do to them. They bowed in respect and left. The three ninjas headed out of borg tower to walk and find the flying ship. "Where do you think the ship is?" Bizarro Jay asked as they were walking down the streets. Bizarro Cole shrugged."I dunno but we will find it. It can't be that hard  right? Bizarro Kai was going reply when a green figure was falling from the sky. "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Bizarro Jay asked looking at the others.

"I think so." Bizarro Kai replied. "Come on!" Bizarro Jay said as he led the charge towards the green figure. The other two followed in pursuit. As they were coming closer, the two caught up to Bizarro Jay. "He looks hurt." Bizarro Cole observed as he looked at the green ninja, who was looking at the ninja who was half awake. Bizarro Kai smirked as he looked at him. "I say we get him back to garmadon. So he can have some fun with him". The three nodded.

However the blonde boy on the ground tried to get away. Even though Lloyd tried to get away, his efforts were thwarted by both the red and blue fake ninja. "Come along, little ninja, your emperor would like to see you." The blue ninja mocked him. Lloyd growled as he was thrown over the ninja's shoulder. Lloyd struggled more. "Let me go! Come on I don't what to go there." he complained. The three fake ninja smiled as they started to walk.

"What do you say we do with him? Put him in a cell?"  Bizarro Kai asked. As they were walking. "I say we just bring him to garmadon straight away" Bizarro Jay suggested to him.  "Umm I don't know about that. Let's just put him in a cell." Bizarro Cole told them. The three nodded and they walked into the building and went down into the cells. Lloyd started to have flashbacks of when he was put down here back when he and harumi were still foes. Lloyd was pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of chains That were being put around his wrists. Lloyd started to shake in fear about what was happening.

The evil ninja smirks seeing the green ninja coward in fear. "Look at this the green ninja is afraid." Bizarro Kai mocked lloyd. Lloyd wanted to say something but felt tired and closed his eyes. The three ninja smiled. "You have to admit, he's cute when he's sleeping." Bizarro Jay said.  Cole was gonna say something when footsteps were heard. There, stood garmadon who didn't look happy. He walked towards the fake ninja, a scowl on his face when he saw Lloyd in chains. "Why is he in chains?" Garmadon asked. The three ninja went silent. "Well?" He asked. Kai sighed, stepping forward to own up to what happened. "He fell out of the bounty and we found him on the ground, so we brought him to you" he explained. Garmadon scowled. "Don't you understand?!" He yelled.  The three ninja looked scared.
"How it works is you'll hand over the Crystal, or say goodbye to your friend!" Morro commanded as he held Lloyd. Lloyd weakily opened his eyes. "I'm sorry. I couldn't stop him." He yelped out. "So what'll it be?" Morro asked. "If we hand him the Crystal, he'll usher the reign of his master, cursing Ninjago and every realm." Zane told them."But if we don't, when has he never made good on a threat? Look at Lloyd. He's too weak to protect himself." Cole remarked with a worried tone looking at their baby brother."Ugh, either option totally stinks. What do you think, Kai? What do we do?" Jay asked."Looks like the decision is up to you, Kai. So choose." Morro commanded.

Lloyd was awoken by a beeping noise, he was confused since he only remembered that he fell off the bounty and onto the ground. When he opened his eyes, he saw he was in a green room and when he looked around, he saw he was hooked up to an IV tube along with some other things. Lloyd was very confused, as he looked around but still didn't see anything. Lloyd raised a eyebrow. Wasn't he on the ground unconscious?  What happened? Where was he? This definitely wasn't the bounty medical center, he knew that place by now. Lloyd groaned as he attempted to sit up and get a better look at his surroundings. When he did through, he heard a voice that was coming from the shadows. "Lloyd. How did you fall from the bounty?" A dark shadowy voice asked him. Lloyd's eyes widened, he knew that voice. He looked at the shadow and he could barely make out a four-armed figure. "Garmadon?" He asked.
Hello everyone Jdizzle here I hope you enjoyed that chapter.  I had a fun time writing it. But the Bizarro ninja captured Lloyd And garmadon wasn't happy with it you'll see what happens in the next chapter. And soon will be the return of Bizarro Zane! Man, I'm so excited to have him come back because you guys haven't seen him only in like Memories.  But I'm so excited like I said I mean man wait until you see what happens. Ill tell you one thing in that chapter. Harumi definitely will show the emperor empress, and Hutchins that she can definitely take care of herself. But anyway if you enjoyed the chapter please like comment and share so people can see it. But any way I'll see you guys later. Jdizzle signing out have a nice day.

Reconciled hearts: a season9(Lloyrumi story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz