The day Cass found out she's pregnant, she freaked out. She didn't dare tell anyone, Carson included, until I forced it out of her after her zoning out for an entire day. She didn't know what to do. Even after more than a year, she insists the both of them aren't in a relationship and are merely more-than-friends. But the moving-in to his room part clearly spoke otherwise.

Maybe she was just in denial, because Carson isn't really one known to be romantic. In fact, he's quite clueless when it comes to love and relationships. He's gotten her flowers and gifts, but he didn't know that all she's been waiting for is a promise. A question. A proposal.

It took Ally and I exactly three weeks to convince Cass to tell Carson. Even if she thinks they aren't in a relationship, he's still ultimately the fetus' father and has every right to know. Cass was worried about how it'd change things, understandably, but somehow Ally and I both knew Carson wouldn't disappoint us.

However, that didn't stop me from encouraging Cass to follow her head. Because if she didn't think keeping the child or marrying Carson is the right choice, nothing we say can convince her otherwise. She needs to do it out of love, not of obligation. That's why I've always been reminding her that if she really wanted to back out, I'll be here. She won't be alone.

Cass talked to Carson in private and we didn't get to see his reaction in person. Cass told us all he did was stare at her wide-eyed, gave a hesitant nod and said he needed to think. That worried Cass even more. She began to contemplate whether to abort it. She wasn't ready for a child at 22 years old, much less a single parent.

But Carson was just stunned by the news. He recovered quickly and returned the next day with an entire file of wedding brochures. That was his way of asking Cass to marry him.

As always, wedding planning began in excitement and anticipation. Cass was ecstatic to be trying on her wedding dresses, taking bridal photos and getting to choose every little detail from the venues to the invites. She was so invested and hadn't had time to consider it was her own wedding she was planning.

Until it dawned on her the past week when the date drew near. She began to realize she was the one who's going to walk down the aisle, say her vows and truly become someone's wife. She still hadn't grasped that concept well enough and now it was really happening.

Truth be told, there's no backing out now that she's four mouths pregnant. But she still has the choice to decide if she really wants to marry Carson. They've had ups and downs throughout the time they spent together and we've all noticed how their temper multiplies each other. Will they really be able to navigate the life of being newlyweds and first time parents all at once?

I pick up my phone and dial Zac.

"Baby." He answers as soon as I call.

"Hey babe. Is Carson around?"

"Ahh, he's uh..." he trails off. "Nervous."

"Really? Cass is too. Maybe they can both be nervous together."

Zac chuckles. "They'll be seeing each other in less than an hour. Give them the time to be nervous on their own before they have to spend the rest of their lives together."

Knowing he's right, Ally and I do our best to satisfy Cass' needs and placate her before she loses it. She specifically asks for a cheeseburger and although we didn't want her to explode out of her dress, her demand is fulfilled in order to keep her distracted and fed.

The wedding is set at the backyard of the Grays' mansion. Surprisingly, the Gray brothers' father showed up for the first time to meet his daughter-in-law. Granted, Dion isn't in that good of a mood to see him although she still puts up a smile for the event.

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