Truth; Part 2

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I muttered curses under my breath, all directed towards the varsity swim team that was also the studen council.

"What's wrong? Have you finaly realized that you'll never catch up to us? River Side High School's very own Varsity Swim Team the Tiger Sharks?" sneered Edmund Sparrow.

"Shut it" I snapped. The swim team, my swim team took a step in front of me. Once again shutting me out of the argument. I sighed quietly, 'Idiots' I thought spitefully. I left the room to let them arguing, but then I heard them follow out behind.

"It's all your fault Derrick" I heard Doug Clemens tell me with the usualy harsh tone. I stopped walking, but I didn't dare face them.

"Fifth place, and you lost to them in the state finals" Anise Hart spat at me.

"B-but he tried his best" I heard a small voice say, Rain Brook.

"No he didn't. He purposley lost to them so that we would loose, and then tried to join their team. He's a trader and a looser" Sean Cole sneered. I turned to face them with eyes full of rage and hate.

"SHUT UP! None of you made it to finals, so don't go acting all high and mighty you b*st*rds" I yelled crossly. I turned to leave.

"Derrick wait I-" Rain was cut short but Rina and Gwyneth. I continued walking. I left the school, and rather than going home I kept walking towards the coast, and headed off the trail. Soon I reached a more private, better hidden part of the coast line. No one came down here, and I felt safe. Here, and when I'm asleep do I feel safe. I pulled my knees up to my chest and hid my face, silently sobbing. My breathing was harsh and ragged, I let the tears flow, and once again I let the memories come to me.

-----Flash Back-----

I was swimming, so hard on Setember 6th. I'd just failed my try out for the football team, yet my father didn't know. I had to win this, I had to have some pride to my name; Derrick Willow.

"Go Derrick!" my girlfriend cheered me on. I smiled at her briefly as I swam. The end of the lap was just ahead and I was so close. I could taste victory, and it was familiar. I could see the trophie that would be mine, in winning the state championship. I could hear the screaming and cheering of my team and the rest of the school. I could feel the pride, and my parents love for me when I'd win. It was all there, but-

There was cheering, I could see the trophie, but I tasted- I tasted shame and defeat. The new team that had just recently formed by a group of new students, the Tiger Sharks had won; though they were from our school it made my team look bad. I climbed out and faced my team.

"I'm sorry guys, I let you down" I apologized, "I guess I have no right to be called team captain" I admited. 'Be a man, and let it go' I told myself sterly. I was upset, sad, but I for sure would be okay. Everything was going to be just fine, I was okay.

"Your darn right. I can't believe you lost!" Doug and Sean shouted at me. All the sudden there was a shock and I doubled over. The air in my lungs was knocked out of me. Again I felt the shock, and I saw Jeffery looking at me with eyes I'd never seen before. Hatred, such hatred I'd never seen in my friends.

"But why?" I breathed, and looked up at my friends. They all had those eyes with hatred.

"Your a loser" Rina yelled in my face. They all walked away from me, the now empty room only held one person. My girlfriend looked at me with sympathy, and hatred, too. I struggled to stand, the pain in my stomach was strong. I coughed weakly.

"Your weak, and a pitiful creature Derrick. We're done" she said with a blank tone.

"Anise" I called to her, staggering to chase after. She whirled around and pushed me into the pool. All of the sudden there was a sound of gears mechanical gears grinding and metal scraping against metal. My eyes widened in fear. The pool cover was closing.

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