Black Hole

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Black Hole

There is a big black hole floating in space,
But there's also one on Earth I cannot seem to erase.
It starves for something—anything to taste,
Even if it makes you feel like your life is a waste.
It's like the voice inside the head of a psychopath;
I don't think anyone is prepared for the aftermath.
The voice in my mouth is shaking with fear,
And my intentions can often seem unclear.
Black holes suck down everything in sight,
I would know because it took my life's light.
Sometimes I wish it would just take me too,
Because lately I feel like there's nothing I can do.
I wish it would just take me away,
I don't think I can make it another day.
I'm not strong enough to outrun its power,
My body isn't a temple, it's an apple, and it's sour.

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