Beyond the Screen

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(A/N: this one will be a bit longer and will most likely have a pt. 2. Also, if you haven't seen before, my friend Xx_pigletnyc_xX wrote a book called Nothing a Spell can Fix. It's a Drarry fix that I helped her write, so it'll be a great help to her if you checked it out! also, if i spelled any city wrong PLEASE TELL ME!)


Bakuhoe POV
I flop onto my bed, exhausted from studies. Life has been so boring. Even horror movies don't spark my interest.

I grab my laptop and log into YouTube, looking for some gamer to laugh at.

I see a red haired kid about my age with literal shark teeth on my recommended and decide to check out his channel.

'Huh. A horror game,' I think to myself.

I click on the video, and get a close-up view of his face. He has faint freckles splattered across his face and neck, currant red eyes, almost like mine only my eyes are more of a ruby.

His pointed teeth are perfectly white, contrasting his beach tan.

"Hey everyone! Before we start off, thanks for 50 grand subscribers! I can't believe this all started out with me singing some song. Anyways, today we're gonna be playing a horror game called Layers of Fear. I hear it's supposed to be realistic. Like, hella realistic. Let's just get into it!" he laughs.

"I've heard of that game..." I mumble to myself.

"OH FUCKING HELL!" he screams ten minutes through, "pardon my language but WHAT WAS THAT!"
I myself jumped at the thing that jumped out.

"Okay, okay. Let's continue," he puts his headphones back onto his head and continues his focus on the monitor.

I notice his focused face. Furrowed eyebrows, scrunched eyes and nose, and biting his bottom lip. I wonder what it's like biting your tongue with those teeth...


"Okay, wow. That wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. I've played much more realistic. Anyways, subscribe if you want, I'm Red Riot, or Kirishima Eijirou. I'll upload in two days. Cya!" he smiles and covers the camera as the video ends.

"NOT AS SCARY AS HE THOUGHT IT WOULD BE?" I shout, surprised that he wasn't traumatized.

I press another video of his, this time him playing Home from Work II.

"Hey everyone! I'm Red Riot, or Kirishima Eijirou. Today I'm going to be playing Home from Work II. I heard great reviews on this, so why not try it?" he laughs.

My heart skips a beat and blood rushes to my face.

'What the hell?! Am I blushing?' I mentally slap myself and continue watching the video.

"I'll put jumpscare timestamps in the description for you guys who don't like them. Alright, let's jump into it!" he puts on his headphones and starts playing the game.

I look at his face a bit, and notice a small bump on the bridge of his nose.

'Huh. Cute.'

I cover my mouth, shocked at what I thought. No. I'm not gay.


"Alright...oh no. The attic ladder is down. Yep, not doing that. Nope. Not today, Lucifer. Maybe another day," he giggles, making my heart warm.

"GAHH FUCK!" he screams, slamming his headphones on the desk.

I laugh, but not at him.

"S-sorry guys... I'm gonna make a part two to this! Comment below if you want one and if you want a shoutout! Yes, Eijirou is doing some shoutouts! Just comment below and I'll be checking and picking a few people!"

I immediately pause the video and scroll down to the comments.

I check the date the video was released. It was released yesterday.

I comment:

I want a fucking shoutout. Nice videos, shitty hair.

I look over the comment and shrug, clicking 'share'.


Kirishima POV

"Hey everyone! This is a part two to Home from Work II. I have two shoutouts from the previous video. @ Tortoise_TwoToes says 'great videos, Kirishima! I watch them all the time when my parents fight...'

Well, Tortoise, I hope your home life gets better. Thanks for the support. DM me on Instagram if you wanna talk about anything, okay?" I glance at the camera.

"The next shoutout is from LordExplosionMurder672. They say 'I want an effing shoutout. Nice videos, shitty hair'. Aww, thanks, bro! Maybe I'll meet y'all on tour!

Yes, I am going on tour, starting off in my home town, Yuuei. Then, I'll be traveling to Tokyo, Yokohama, and finally in Hiroshima before I travel to Russia, China, France, Britain, Brazil, Canada, and the USA. More info will be in the description," I take a deep breath.

"You wanna do this later, Eijirou? The Cheesecake Factory has free cheesecake if you get there within the hour," my editor, Denki, jabs a thumb at the clock.

"Hell yea, let's go!" I turn off the camera and shut off my PC.

(A/N: there is going to be part two most definitely!!)

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