Chapter 3: the Calm Before the Storm

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Five women looked through their living room windows. They scanned the area that surrounded their home, watching each small movement in the dark crowded trees, and searching for what could have possibly made the booming noise. Only a moment passed before they heard it again, and then once more.

"What's that?" Vicki pointed up into the clouds for the others to look. In the far distance they could see something falling, it was dark and fluttering but hard to see, it didn't appear to be something they had seen before. Almost instantly, the object they observed hit the ground, beyond the trees, far from where they could see. Vicki's ultrasonic hearing could pick up the general direction in which it landed, but there was no more sound coming from it.

"We should go get whatever that was" Jessica breathed, her love of things from the sky shining through her as her wonderment urged her to follow what had fallen from above the clouds.

"Absolutely not" Amy stated crisply, Marianna and Bailey nodded in agreement, but Vicki gave Jess a looked that told her they would be heading that way soon.

Marianna said her goodnights before going down into the makeshift cave. Bailey and Amy walked back towards the kitchen and discuss their plans for today, which mostly included gardening and animal care. Jessica and Victoria shared a meaningful look, nodded at each other and trotted upstairs to get ready for their day, it'd be more eventful than they imagined.

A few moments passed, Vicki knocked on Jessica's door before entering. She looked overly supplied, a hiking backpack full of tools and mystery items she thought she might need appeared as though it might tip her over with its size. Her thin pale legs were visible under her cargo shorts, but Jess could see a visible pocket knife sticking out of her long striped socks. Hiking boots and a maroon long sleeve tee completed her look. Jess thought she was the definition of what she'd consider an "adventurous" look. Vicki's naturally orange hair blew lightly in the breeze Jess' fan provided. Jess went a different way with her outfit, sweats and a black T-shirt with a baseball cap that said "best dad" adorned her petite tan body. Sneakers and a light pack with snacks and simple hiking supplies had her feeling ready to venture into the woods. The two tip-toed down the stairs and out of the house, Vicki was thankful she was blessed with tremendous hearing and not any of the others.
The two briskly walked together in the direction they knew the thing from the sky had gone.
Neither had super speed or flying capabilities, so the trek took them about two hours. Victoria had been listening intently for any suspicious noises coming from the direction they were heading in. Through the trees they were finally able to see a light blue glow, they slowed their pace as they walked into uncharted territory.
Despite it being day time fireflies glittered through the foggy air. The trees felt like walls closing in as the pair inched their way toward the source of the strange atmosphere. Jess held her breath as they saw what had fallen from the heavens themselves. Vicki covered her mouth with her hand, too late to cover her gasp. Their eyes widened and they stared at what can only be described as ominous.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2020 ⏰

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