Chapter 1: Meet the Witches

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Candles flicker with the cool midnight breeze as a dark patterned maine coon watches their owner on the window sill.
"Halloween is less than 100 days away!" Rosa anxiously decorates their home with live spiders and releases her bats from their seasonal turned-cave basement , while one of her best friends and roommates, Marianna, searches new alcoholic recipes.
"We should have Amy make these" Marianna out stretches her arm to reference Rosa's attention to her phone screen. On it displays an enticing dark chocolate rum cupcake adorned with galaxy and night sky icing designs.
"Make sure to add it to the Halloween food board in the kitchen, print the directions for her." Rosa says in a hurry as she continues through her excited panic: hanging lanterns, watering indoor ivy, and draping shimmering black fabric around each room of the house. "Could you help me with this bit?" She asks. Rosa looks toward Marianna, needing assistance reaching up onto the wooden beams that stretched across their high ceilings. Rosa did not possess the power to levitate herself or other objects, but Marianna opted to float during most of her waking hours. She easily drifted up into the rafters and attached Rosa's hanging crystals from their designated hooks from the previous years.
On her way down Marianna tipped over one of the many candles Rosa had placed in each of the regularly used rooms, which at the moment were their only source of light other than the moon. Unfortunately, before they had realized the fire was spreading, the fire alarm began to blare, waking their house mates.
Rosa watched in horror as her decorative candles went out, her hanging fabric dampened and her beloved cat rushed under cover of the couch. Marianna moved as quickly as possible to turn off the obnoxious rings and the water that flowed behind it, but it was too late. The decorations had been destroyed and would need to be redone the next day after drying in the sun. But that was the least of their problems.
Above their heads they could hear irritated rustling and shouting. One by one their other four house mates made their ways down the stairs to confront the reason they were woken up by indoor rain.
"Just because you two are nocturnal does not mean the rest of us want to be up with you!" Jess could be heard several house over with her power to boom what she was angry about. A tired Amy rubbed her eyes as she trotted behind the fuming raven haired girl and behind her was Bailey yawning and comforting her dog who had been frightened by the loud noise. Vicki was last to come down, she was the heaviest sleeper because of her supernatural hearing she had learned to tune our the world when she wanted and didn't even budge before being drenched.
With all six women standing in the den of their home tension rose as neither of the nocturnals wanted to place any blame on the other. "What the hell happened?" Questioned Bailey. Her eyes scanned the room and widened as she realized what the two culprits had been up to while the rest were sleeping. "Were you honestly decorating for Halloween? It's August!"
Amy interjected "My birthday hasn't even passed yet, it's way too early for this!" The four women seemed to have steam coming out of their ears, there was very little Rosa or Marianna could say to defend themselves.
"Less that 100 days..." muttered Rosa as lowly as she could, but with Vicki's powerful sonic abilities she was able to hear her.
Vicki rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms, "You must be joking, you do this every year! We don't need to decorate until October 1st! Decorating early won't make your favorite holiday come any faster!" Marianna and Rosa quickly muttered a few apologies before the rest of the girls headed back to bed, demanding the mess be cleaned up.
"One day, when we live on our own, our home will be ready for Halloween year round. No more hiding our passion!" Rosa burst to Marianna.
"Keep dreaming!" Shouts back Vicki, who really needed to stop eves dropping.

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