Sleepy Nights

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The next day, the boys decided to go to AZ mills with me and my friends. But before we left, I made a deal with my mom that I was going to cook for the week and she'll wash the dishes. She took the deal and we went to AZ mills with each one with a date. Suzzette's went with david, Yesenia with Gabe, Kayyla with Cole, and Omari with Will. Of course they made the two capicorns be together but it was fine. We all had our favorites in the band so we were perfect. We decided to watch Annebelle at the movies. I told my friends that I don't do scary movies unless I'm on a date. Kayyla said "You are on a Date, A date with Dana". When she said that, I look at Dana and he the most obvious blush that he tried to hide. I said fine and we went in the building. We bought a lot of popcorn and went into the theatte. During the movie, A moth made it into the theatre. I saw it go past my face and I grabbed Will and Dana's arm. Then I saw it again and I went ballistic. I'm absolutely terrified of moths, so I ran out of the theatre with Omari following me. I ran to the bathroom, almost crying because I made a fool of myself. Like always, Omari can to cheer me up, even though she couldn't breathe. I was scared to go back to my date but eventually I did. I got back and found out that someone killed the devilish moth that tried to kill me. Little laughs went around but we finished to movie and I got closer to my date. After that disaster, AZ mills had the State Carnival and we went. We went to all of the rides and saved the Ferris Wheel for last. It was almost time to leave so we went on the Ferris Wheel. We got on a cart before the other, me and dana got on last but it was his idea to do that. Each of us had that point to stop at the top, but when it was our turn, things got heated. Dana looked at the sky then at me "I had fun today with you" as he grabbed my hand. He put my cheek in his hand and leaned in. In my head I'm thinking of how Dana Vaughns is about to be my first kiss. With my heart beating like a race horse, I close my eyes. We kiss like we owned the trophy of kissing of the Ferris Wheel. We pulled apart and he told me that my lips taste like chocolate. We got down and we were congratulated of the kiss. Yesenia and Suzzette left to go home and the rest of us went to my house.

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