Chapter 17

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Percy POV

I stood there stunned with my mouth wide open and my eyes wide. Josh had kissed me. A guy had kissed me. I have never been kissed by a guy, and I kind of liked it. I could still hear and feel my heart pounding in my ears even though Josh had already walked away. Being around Josh made me feel nervous, excited, and happy all at once. His alluring seductive smirk made my face go red, and his laugh was pure gold. But as I was feeling all giddy inside a pang of guilt shot through me. 

Annabeth.  Nobody have ever made me feel this way except for Annabeth. Annabeth made me feel comfortable and safe, and I loved her so much. She's just gone. All the happy and giddiness was gone. A sad feeling sunk into my chest. How could I be happy around Josh if I still felt so guilty about Annabeth. 

I shook my head wanting to get the negative thoughts away. I took a deep breath a started getting onto my motorcycle. 

I pulled up the drive way to Bruce's house and could see in the window that Bruce was in the front room staring out the window right at me. Well, I'm going to get some kind of lecture. I opened the front door and was eminently confronted by Bruce. "How was your night with friends?" If only he knew. 

"It was good. Had a fun time." I started to walk by Bruce but he lightly grabbed my arm. "Percy I wanted to talk to you about something." 

I nodded. 

"Lately I've been hearing some rumors about gang activity around school, and wanted to know if you had heard anything about that?" 

My eyebrows shot up. What was I supposed to tell him. "Where did you hear that? But no I haven't heard anything." 

Bruce had a troubled look on his face when he answered me. "Okay well if you here anything do tell me." 

"Of course." I lied with a small smile. 

The next day at school I didn't see Josh, but I really wasn't looking for him. I had no idea what I was going to say to him after last night. Walking to my locker I didn't see Josh, but I did see Tony and Axle leaning against my locker looking board. I closed my eyes and sighed. 'What did they want?'  I thought. I was standing in front of my locker before the noticed me. We looked at each other for about thirty seconds and nobody said anything. I rolled my eyes and turned away from them getting into my locker. I barely got my fingers out of the way when Tony slammed my locker shut. When I turned and looked at him he still hand his hand on my locker and was looking quite mad. Axle put a calm hand on his shoulder. Tony took a deep breath and straightened out.  

"Josh could not be here today, but he wanted us to ask you if you would come to his house after school." Tony said very calmly considering it was him. My heart skipped a beat in my chest. Josh wanted me to come over to his house. But why? What did he need? What did he want to do? I must have looked nervous because Axle smirked at me. "You look nervous." Axle remarked in his deep voice with a slight Italian accent. I had never noticed he had an accent and it was pretty cool.

"Okay, but how do I get there I don't know where he lives." 

"That's because, you idiot, I'm going to tell you where to go." Tony told me looking at me like I was crazy. 

"Ohh." I smiled at the embarrassingly. I jumped slightly when Tony's hand shot out of shoved a piece of paper into my chest. My hands shot up and grabbed the paper before it could fall. Tony shook his head and Axle gave me a light smile. "We'll see you around punk." Axle through his arm around Tony's, causing Tony to scowl up at him. I watched the two walking away wondering were they a thing? I shook my head and started walking towards my first period class, but remembered the paper in my hand. I unfolded it, it had an address and a few words at the bottom: Don't wait to long to come and see me angel eyes -Josh. I stared at the note in my hand and still couldn't figure out why he wanted me to come over. I started walking away from my locker and towards my first period when I realized I really didn't want to go. Josh wouldn't be there and I hadn't seen Nathan so I'm guessing he wasn't even here. 

I walked out the front doors of the school ignoring a teacher yelling at me to come back. I hoped on my motorcycle and turned it on. I looked down at the paper in my hands and took off to find Josh's house. 

When I pulled up to his house I expected to see a nice little medium sized house. Maybe even a little ran down, but what I did not expect to see freaking mansion. The house looked like it had three floors, beautiful rock work, huge windows, and a very nice landscape. I parked my motorcycle and made my way up to the front door. I knocked lightly on the door. I didn't have t wait very long before the door was jerked open and Josh stood in front of me. 

A surprised look was on his face before it was replaced with a smile. "I knew you would show up, but not this fast." 

I didn't say anything, but just nodded and stood there. 

"Are you going to come inside or stand there." 

A blush came over my face as I shyly came into the house. It was just as fancy on the inside of the house as the outside. Josh smile at me putting his hand on the back of my shoulder leading me away from the front door and towards a new room. The inside of the room looked a little less fancy then the front room or the outside of the house. Comfy looking furniture was spread through out the room, pictures on the walls and eatables, and the best part was that the walls were painted a light cozy blue color. 

"I thought we could hang out in here talk or watch a movie then later we could go sit out by the pool. Is that okay?" Josh asked me. 

"You have a pool- I mean yah, that sounds fine." I gave him a light smile. 

"Great!" He gave me a smile that made that nervous shoot through me. Josh put the Avengers movie and we sat down on the same couch with little room in between us. I jumped when Josh started to move closer to me. He didn't actually say anything, but stared at me. 

"Umm... I was wondering why when we first met down on those docs that you said that I was on your docs? Or why Axle and Tony follow you around pretty much every where?" I asked unsure. 

Josh closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He reached over to the end table and grabbed the remote turning off the movie. "You better be comfortable because you are going to be here a while." 

He took another deep breath almost looking worried. 

"I am the leader of the biggest gangs in Gotham City, or as the police and other gang leaders call it, the KOK mafia." 

How do you guys think my story is going so far?? Comment what you thing!!!!!!!  

      Stay Gold!!!!!                      swimmer_runner_101

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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