Chapter Seven

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Percy's POV

It had been two weeks since I had my... break down. Bruce, Dick, nor Damian had really said anything about it, but were more careful around me. Damian was no longer a brat to me but he was not neceraliy nice to me, kind of in the middle. But since Bruce, Dick, and Damian go out almost every night to.... fight crime? So most of the time its just me and Alfred. Well there is Bruce's pool, but it is not really a person.

Since it was the middle of summer I did not have to go school, and I only had one year left. A couple of days ago Bruce started asking me about school. He was staying something about going to a private school. In the past I had not had the best time in private schools or schools to be exact. But I thought about giving it a try. 

Time skip to two nights later

This was the fourth time this week Bruce, Dick, and Damian went out and I was lonely and bored. Like I said earlier Alfred was here but he is hard to talk to and when Bruce, Dick, and Damian are out he is down in the Bat Cave using that microphone to talk into Bruce, Dick, and Damian's earpieces.  

I was not going to sit around again tonight and do nothing besides trying to talk to Alfred or swimming for no reason, I am going out tonight. I do not know what I am going to do but I will do something, "wing it" sounds like something Leo would say. 

Telling myself that made my heart hurt. But I was not going to let that pull me down. 

After deciding to put on a white shirt, black skinny jeans, a pair of dark blue converse, a hoodie, and a leather jacket over my hoodie I was ready to go.

I slipped out the door without Alfred noticing, I hopped into one of the cars Bruce said I could use if I ever needed to go some where and drove into Gotham. 

Once I pulled into Gotham I noticed a little whole in the wall coffee shop and decided to go there. I walked into the shop, there were not many people there most of them were just college students with big thick books and laptops. And two people cuddling in the corner on a big cozy chair.

I walked over to counter to order my drink. There was a girl behind the counter who was exposing a little to much skin and way to muck make-up. Once I walked up to the counter she looked up and pulled her shirt down to show even more skin. 

"Hey cutie. What can I get you?" She said batting her eyelashes. 

"Umm I will just have a straight black coffee please." Trying not to sound awkward. 

"Sure thing, anything else I can get you?" She said chewing on her bottom lip. 

"No that will be it." I said. 

She straightened her back out and was about to turn around when she says, "The name is Stacie by the way, and I get off in one hour so...." She trailed off getting turning around to make my coffee. She must have thought I would stare at her behind because she was swaying her hips as she walked. I did not stare but rolled my eyes and tried to read a small article in a local news paper sitting on the counter. 

Moments later Stacie came back with my black coffee. On the side of the cup facing me she had wrote her phone number. She looked at me biting her lip, it looked like she was about to say something when I turned around and walked out the door. 

I did not go back to my car but kept walking down the street looking in windows, but really did not see anything. Unlike New York, Gotham really did not have any one walking around after dark. Unless you looked super shady. I wonder why?

I kept walking down the street lost in my thoughts when a muffled scream rang through the air. Instantly my ears perked up, my shoulders tensed, and before I could stop myself I was jogging towards the scream. I rounded a corner and looked down a dimly lit alley. Two men were walking slowly towards a small women who was shaking in fear. 

"Hey!" I yelled, trying to sound intimidating as I could. Both men turned around away from the women who was backed up onto a wall. "You should pick on someone your own size. I saw a pigeon back there looking ready for a fight." I said with a smirk. 

That just made both men even angrier and before I knew it they were both jumping at me with knives in their hands. With my demigod fast reflexes I was able to block both knives coming my way and knocked them out of both of their hands. With the knives gone it was just hand to hand combat which I could win no doubt. Once again both men came after me at the same time, one went for my legs and the other went for more of my middle area. I kicked the man in the face who was going for my legs and upper handed the man going for my stomach. They were both laying on the ground rolling around trying to get up when I converted my attention to the lady on the wall. 

"Go! Get out of here! I can take them." I said.

The women looked at me like I was crazy for taking on two muggers but nodded her head, said a quick thank you, and went running down the allay probably to a local police station or something. Both men were now up on their feet again but looked a little drowsy. That was when something caught my eye. A shinning metal bar was on the ground. Probably a broken pipe. I picked it up a turned it in my hands. It did not feel like Riptide but it was just going to have to work. 

When one of the men came after me I swung the bar and hit him straight in the head with it. He went down hard. It was not long after that, that the second man had the same thing happen to him. I heard sirens coming from a little ways away. I can not be caught, so I ran back out of the alley, down the street past the coffee shop I went too, and down a pretty dark looking street. Once I watched the sirens go by I came out of the dark alley and took a deep breath. 

'Ohh that was close. I don't know what Bruce would do if he caught me beating up muggers.' I thought to myself. 

I should not have relaxed so much because when I did, I did not hear a small but not to small man in a purple suit with green hair, painted on white face, with a very red fake smile. But of course I did not notice he was there till he came up behind me, covered my mouth with his hand, and whispered into my ear, 

"I did not know Bruce Wayne's nephew fought street crime. And not to bad at it I might add. " 

He had a crackly voice and finished the sentence with a very creepy laugh. I would have fought to get away but before I could do anything I met darkness with a hard blow to the back of my head.


Bruce's POV

Once Dick, Damian, and I were done partrolling for the night we headed back home. When we got there Alfred was running around the house looking very worried like he had lost something important. Dick and Damian must have been as confused as I was because Dick asked,

"What is the matter Alfred, and where is Percy." 

Alfred looked up at us with a scared look in his eyes. He took a deep breath and said, "I do not know where Percy is. He has been gone for a least three hours and I have no trace of him." 

A phone ringing cut through the thick air. It was my bat phone. I pulled it out and looked at the contact caller.... the Joker. 

Ohh Percy what have you got yourself into.

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