Chapter 13

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Percy POV

Sitting on a roof. That's what I've been doing for the past 45 minutes, is sitting on a roof. After about 20 minutes of sitting on that roof with Damian, who would not take part in a conversation, my mind started wondering. I started thinking about everything that is happening, which made me think of my mom, which made me think of my friends, which made me think about my dad, which made me think of blue, which made me think of a men's fragrance commercial on TV, which finally made me think of Two and a Half Men. And before I knew it I was humming the Two and a Half Men  theme song. 

"Would you just shut up!" Damian yelled at me after I had gotten through about three verses of the song. 

"Sorry," I whined " But we are just sitting here on this roof doing nothing! I'm board!" 

"Well if you are so board just go home then." Damian grunted out. 

I was about to keep arguing but my phone vibrated in my back pocket. I pulled it out and saw Nathan Case, the kid in my math class, had texted me asking if I wanted to hang out. 

"Hey Damian I think I'm going to head in for the night." I turned back to him.

"Sure. I will tell Bruce." He replied back. 

"Thanks!" I yelled hoping off the roof heading back to Wayne Manor. I texted Nathan back telling where I should be and when. Not five minutes later Nathan texts back with an address and telling me to meet him at his house whenever. 

Time Skip

I was shooting out of Bruce's drive way on my motor bike with a pair of skinny jeans, a leather jacket over my hoodie, and a pair of vans on heading my way to Nathans. 

I pulled up to the address Nathan had given me, parked my bike, and walked up to the door. A tall older looking Nathan opened the door up. 

"Can I help you?" He asked me. 

"Yah I'm here for Nathan. I'm Percy Jackson." I introduced myself holding my hand out. 

"I'm Johnny. Nathan's older brother." He reached out and grasped my hand. "Come on in and I will get Nathan." He turned around calling Nathan's name. I stood in the entry way taking in the surrounding. It was a nice sized home with lots of blue in it. 

'Yep I like this place already.' I came to that conclusion in my head. 

"Percy! You ready to go have some fun?" Nathan said coming down the stairs. 

"I'm ready if you are! By the way what are we doing?" I asked him. 

"Well I thought I would take you down to this whole in the wall coffee shop and meet up with some of my other friends." He answered back. 

I smirked, "Sounds good to me."

Nathan drove ahead of me in his car while I was on my motorbike. I started to notice the surroundings looked familiar and I realized that this was the same coffee shop I went when I first arrived in Gotham. I hope that one girl is not here tonight. When we entered the coffee shop I noticed a group of teenagers. Nathan walked over to the table with me trailing behind him. 

"Percy I would like to introduce you to all my friends- That's Charlotte, Will, Quinn, Abby, Jake, and Edward. Guys I would like to introduce Percy Jackson, he is new to Gotham and the nephew of Bruce Wayne." Several eyebrows raised at the last part but mostly all I got was a bunch of 'whats up' or 'nice to meet yous'. 

I sat down next to Nathan and who I think is Will. We chatted for a while, mostly questions shot in my direction which I happily answered till one question was asked. 

"So Percy do you have a girlfriend?" I think it was Edward that asked it. 

"Well I had one." Was all I said. 

"What did you two break up or something? She cheat on you?" Edward kept pushing on the subject. 

"No. She would never have done that." I snapped back. 

"Well why don't we just drop that subject and move onto another subject. Yah?" Nathan suggested. 

"I think that is a good idea." Abby said. The rest of the evening my thoughts were else where thinking about a time before all my friends were taken away from me. I was snapped out of my thoughts when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw Bruce had texted me telling me to get home now. 

"Well it has been a... fun evening but my uncle needs me home." I sighed. "It was nice to meet you all. I hope to see you guys again. Bye Nathan I'll see you around." Nathan waved as I headed out the door. 

I hopped on my bike and was off back to the manor. Once I was back and pulled my bike into one of Bruce's many garages. I was about to open the door when it was ripped open with an angry Bruce on the other side. 

"Where the hell have you been?"

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!!! In my author's note I said I was going to be updating over Christmas break and here it is. Comment on what you think and vote!!! I am going to try and update sooner and faster. 

Happy New Year!!! Stay Gold!!!!


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