Chapter Four

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I just realized when I was proof reading my story yesterday, I did not put a disclaimer on it so... I do not own Percy Jackson or the Batman Universe, they belong to Rick Riordan and the DC Comics. I am also doing an early updating today because of the Thanksgiving holiday (I'm going out of town and won't be able to take my chrome book with me.) Happy reading,                              -Swimmer_runner_101


Bruce's POV

"So Percy tell us about yourself." I told Percy. He looked up at me, almost a questioning look in his eyes but than spoke, "Well there is not much about to know. I love to swim, I love the beach, pretty much I just love being in or near the water. I used to go to a summer camp every summer since-" 

Percy would have gone on but Damian interrupted him, "What was the summer camp for? Learn how to fight there or maybe some self defense?" Damian asked him accusingly. 

Percy looked hesitant before answering, "Yes, it was a camp for kid with ADHD and dyslexia. And one of the things they would teach was self defense." Percy shot back at Damian. 

Damian just narrowed his eyes at Percy but did not say anything. 

I cleared my throat trying to break the tension between Percy and Damian, Damian was a good kid and a great fighter but he always liked to be right and always know other peoples secrets. I than looked up and asked Percy, "Do you have a girlfriend?"

Percy looked at me with eyes that made me think I kicked his puppy right in front if him. "I had a girlfriend," his voice broke, " But she died along with my other friends in a accident when we were on a trip in Athens." I almost was about to pat his back when Damian's head shot up when Percy had said 'Athens'. It seemed Damian was very into wanting to know about Percy's life. 

Just than the phone went off and I could hear Alfred's voice saying 'Hello Wayne Manor' into the phone. Percy must have heard it to because his ears perked up in a observant way. A few seconds later Alfred came into the room looked at me and said, "Master Wayne a caller is on the phone for you." I nodded my head and said a quick 'thank you' and headed toward my office to answer the phone.

Damian's POV

I was very interested in Bruce's new nephew. He seemed to have a lot of secrets and I wanted to know all of them. But this summer camp he was talked about was interesting, a camp for ADHD and dyslexic kids. That is so not real. But what really shocked me was I have heard his name or something like it on the national news. 

Weren't him and like two other kids in a man hunt. Didn't it say like Percy beat up some old ladies and kidnap his mother. I do not know but I am going to find out.

But I can not figure them out sitting at the dinning room table so I stood up pushed my chair in and headed out the kitchen door with out even saying anything to Percy or Dick.

I went right up to my room grabbed my laptop and looked up the name 'Percy Jackson'. 

Percy's POV

After Bruce left the room to go talk on the phone and Damian stormed off and left it was kind of awkward to just sit at the table staring at my hands trying not to do anything embarrassing in front of Dick. I decided I had a long day and was tired. So I stood up pushed in my chair and was about to go find Alfred when Dick looked up at me and asked, "Where are you going?" 

I looked down at him since I was standing up and said, " I am tired and just want to sleep, do you know where Alfred is?" 

He made a face like he was think than said, "No I do not but I know where you will be staying. I will show you there. Follow me." 

He stood up walked out of the room back in to the main room and up a flight of stairs where we walked down a pretty wide hallway, till we reached a door toward the end. "Here we are." Dick said pointing to a dark wooden door. 

I put my hand on the knob but did not open it up, I looked back and Dick and said a polite 'thank you' and walked into the room. 

It was a pretty big room with a king sized bed against the wall with a closet, chair and desk, coffee table and lounge chair, a big open floor, and a door that looked liked it led to a bathroom. which judging from how big the bedroom is I bet it is huge too. I did not even bother taking my clothes off and putting PJs on, I just walked over to the bed fell on it and went straight into a deep sleep, but not a peaceful nightmare free one sadly.

Dick's POV

After showing Percy to his room I walked down the hall to wear my room was but heard some yelling coming from Bruce's office. being curious I went on ahead to Bruce's office where Damian was standing Talking very loud with a computer in his hands. He was pointing at the screen saying how dangerous a person was and why that person should not be here. Wait. Be here? He must be talking about Percy. 

I walked over to them and asked, "What are you doing Damian?"

He looked over to me with an angry look in his eyes. "I am trying to explain to Bruce why his nephew is a danger and should not be in the house!" He ended up yelling at the end.

Bruce did not saying anything but just looked tired so if he was going say anything I would, "What are you talking about?"

Damian turned the computer my way, "He beat up three old ladies, was in a nation wide man hunt, fought a man with a gun, him and six other kids running around with baseball bats were all over Europe! This kid is dangerous and should be in prison and definitely not in this house!" He was all but yelling now.

Bruce looked like he was going to say something when a scream broke through the air. It was coming from the direction of the bedroom Percy was in and it sounded like his voice.

'Percy' I thought.

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