Chapter 15

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Percy POV

Looking at my ears in the mirror. I was blown away. Somebody had pierced my ears, and I had know idea.  And damn they hurt! They hurt so much I didn't even want to try taking them out, but also they don't look to bad if I do say so myself. I had know idea what the line over the green circle meant but I didn't look bad. I mean with my green eyes and dark black hair it all looked very good together. Whoever did it knew what looks good together. But the only person who could have done it would be those three boys on the doc last night. And they only way to ask them is to go back to the doc tonight. 

"Percy if you don't leave now you are going to be late to school." Alfred told me walking into my room handing me my backpack and practically pushing me out the door. Once I got to school I didn't see Nathan so I went strait to my first period class. But walking down the hallway towards my locker I was getting weird and scared looks from the other kids. What is there deal? On  my way to my locker I noticed Nathan at his. "Hey Nathan." I called to him.

"Hey Percy! What's- oh my god." But he stopped talking. His eyes widened and had a look of fear in them. "What's the matter?" I asked confused. 

"The KOK they... you ran into them didn't you." He really didn't ask. 

"How is the KOK?" I asked started to get frustrated. "You don't know?" Nathan took a deep breath. "The KOK stands for Knock out Kings. They are a gang Percy. And very powerful and dangerous gang, and they marked you as theirs." Nathan told with a very upset look on his face.    "They're a gang? Wait! What do you mean marked me?" I asked in total confusion. 

"Those earrings Percy! There the KOK's gang sign! And all of them wear that sign on them, and you have that sign on you now and I'm guessing not willingly!" Nathan was starting to really panic. "That must have been who those boys were at the docs last night." I said in realization. "Wait did you say the docs?" Nathan asked looking even more upset. I nodded my head. "The KOK practically run those docs. Oh my god Percy I want to help you with your problems, but I'm not getting near the KOK. I'm sorry dude but I don't know how to help you there." Nathan said sadly rubbing my shoulder before shutting his locker and walking down the hall towards our first period class. Oh my Gods I don't know what to do. I ran into a very dangerous and powerful gang last night, got knocked out, got my ears pierced, and only to find out the earrings meant to marked me now or something. I need to talk to Nathan more about this or maybe even tonight go back to the docs and ask the guys what this is all about. I shook my head and headed towards my first period getting even more weird and feared stares from the kids in my school. 

After school I hadn't talked to Nathan at all since this morning. I was heading out towards my motorcycle when the back of my hoodie I was wearing was grabbed and the person jerked me back into secluded park of the school where most kids avoided. But when I turned and saw who had grabbed me I understood why. I was standing up against a wall with the three guys from last night in front of me. The short one looked pissed and the one with highlights in his hair looked annoyed that he was even here. But the tall one from last night looked at me with a look of mischief in his eyes, and around his neck was a circle with a line through it just like my earrings. And to think about it all of them had necklaces around their necks with the symbol. 

"I'm guessing your friend told you about your new earrings and what they mean?" The tall one asked with a knowing look on his face. "And since you already know what they mean I won't have to explain anything to you, but I'm sure you have questions. You have three questions, so ask away beautiful." He said with a smirk. I could feel my face go red when he called me beautiful. I'm not beautiful. I'm manly, but right now I have to ask my questions. "Why did Nathan keep telling me that you guys marked me?" I asked staring right back into the tall guy's eyes. 

"Because we did." He said simply. 

"You can't just mark a person! Can you?" I asked in confusion. "There goes your second question pretty eyes." He said with a smirk he always seems to have on his face. Crap! I don't know what to ask for my last question. But than it hit me. "What's your name?" 

"It's Josh beautiful." He said with that dumb smirk and started to walk away. I felt panic rise in me. I had so many more questions to ask. He can't just leave like that. "Wait!" I chased after him and grabbed his arm to keep him from walking any farther. "You can't just leave I have questions! You freaking marked me you can't just leave!" I looked at him desperately till I noticed I still had his arm in my grip and quickly let go. I could feel heat in my cheeks that wouldn't seem to go away whenever I looked at Josh. "You can ask me more questions tomorrow." He said in a soft voice while running his knuckles down my cheeks softly before turning around and heading back to a black Camaro with the short kid and the guy with highlights on either side of him. I could still feel heat in my cheeks and my stomach doing light somersaults. I sighed while running my hand over the spot he rubbed my cheek. I still need him to answer more of my questions. Like why did he do this to me and why is he in such a dangerous and powerful gang? I ran my hands down my face again and headed towards my motorcycle on my way back home. 

When I got home Damian was sitting on the couch watching TV and Alfred and Bruce were both in the kitchen. "Hello Percy, would you like me to make you something?" Alfred greeted me. "No thank you." I said with a light smile. "I think I'm just going to head up to bed, it has been a long day, but thank you." 

"Hey Percy?" Bruce stopped me before I could walk out of the kitchen. "Yah?" 

"I want you to know that I'm not mad at you or anything. I was just frustrated and-" I cut Bruce off by walking over and hugging him. "It's fine Bruce, we can talk more about it in the morning." I said with a smile and headed up the stairs towards my bed which I was really looking forward to going and laying down. I was about to pull my shirt off and get in bed when Bruce knocked on my door and came in. "By the way Percy, did you ever find out who pierced your ears?" Bruce asked me. I froze. I can't tell my uncle, Batman, that a gang has marked me as theirs. "Umm no. Some dumb kids must have done it for fun." I said. "Are you going to take them out?" He asked. "Actually no. I kind of like them." I  said truthfully. "Okay well sleep well." Bruce said walking out of the room. "You too Bruce." I said back to him. After he closed the door I pulled my shirt off and got comfortable in bed, and for once I got a whole nights worth of sleep without any nightmares.  

So how was the chapter??? And what do you guys think of Percy and Josh? Let me know!!                                             ~swimmer_runner_101

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