"You know Jimin, you're really rude in the mornings," Taehyung observes with a small frown.

"Great fucking observation Taehyung," Jimin grumbles, readjusting the strap of his backpack.

"He's a big meanie," Taehyung whines to Hoseok who just shrugs his shoulders, offering a sympathetic, dimpled smile.

The three continue on their venture to the on-campus cafe that serves bad, but cheap coffee. They have arranged to meet Seokjin there before their morning classes.

Jimin walks slightly ahead of the other two with a slight limp in his step. The evidence of overwork obvious in his flat, messy short brown hair and under-eye bags evident. This being a far too common occurrence for Jimin.

"He needs to rest more."

"I know, Hoseok. But he never listens."

Jimin and Taehyung have been best friends since high school. They had met Hoseok and Seokjin in their freshman year at university, all there to pursue their respective art forms. Taehyung for photography, Jimin for dance, Hoseok for music production, and Seokjin for music with a focus on piano.

"Yeah, but he's gonna listen to you the most."

"I don't want to be the one to tell him to take more breaks from dancing," Taehyung whines, shoulders slouching and pout heavy on his lips. "He's gonna yell at me."

"He can hear you! And he can't take any breaks," Jimin yells, turning around with an exasperated expression.

"Told you," Taehyung whispers to Hoseok. "Ow! Not nice Jimin!" Tae's pout deepens as he rubs the back of his head where Jimin had just smacked him.

"Jimin, Tae's right. You should rest a bit more. Just take it easy?" Hoseok really hopes Jimin will listen this time. Jimin didn't know how to rest.

"Yeah, whatever," Jimin grumbles dismissively.

~ ~ ~

"So, he finally died from overwork," Seokjin comments with an unsurprised expression. He is referring to Jimin, who is slumped over the table in the cafe, face pressed into the fake wood.

The group of friends had just settled down at their usual table after ordering their warm drinks, Seokjin having just come in. He sits down beside Hoseok, leaning over to place a chased kiss to the giggling boy's cheek. The two have been dating for some time and are horribly domestic.

"Not dead yet," Jimin mumbles, adding an almost inaudible 'unfortunately' at the end.

"Drink your coffee Jimin and cheer up!" Hoseok says brightly. "It's almost the weekend, you'll feel better soon, bub." Hoseok's confidence in Jimin doesn't really help him feel any better. But he still sits up a bit and sipped his sweet coffee.

"Speaking of the weekend, you guys got any plans?" Seokjin asks, sitting down between Hoseok and Taehyung and giving Tae a firm pat on the arm. Taehyung lets out a sharp yelp, flinching away from the touch, rubbing his arm soothingly. "I didn't hit you that hard Tae, you good?" Seokjin has a somewhat worried and confused look on his face.

"Y-yeah, just surprised me s'all," Taehyung mumbles, hoping the lie is believable enough for his friends to move on. Luckily, it is.

"I heard YangYang and Hendery are throwing a party tomorrow," Hoseok mentions, stirring the conversation back. "If they're hosting you know it's gonna be weird as hell, but in the best possible way."
"You guys down?" Seokjin asks, looking around the group, "I know I need some fun. This year is killing me."

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