Alexander One-shot

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You were face timing your boyfriend.

1.Because you were bored

2.Because he was on spring break at the time

3.Because he brought up the situation of handstands

4.You randomly non-randomly decided to try handstands because you still don't know how to do a handstand.

Alex is sitting there in the camera, watching you keep trying. "This is amusing."

A loud thump sounded as you fell to the floor purposely. Not so amusing now,eh? "Y/N ARE YOU OKAY?!"Alexander shouted. You lifted the camera up to your face. "Yes."You chuckle. "Don't try that ever again!"he shouts. "Maybe if you'd help me I wouldn't fall."you suggested. "Coming right over!"he shouted. You guess he went to put some clothes on, because while trying to run putting on his pants, he trampled on top of Shelly, John's turtle. "Sorry!"he said as he fell. John pulled Shell away just in time. "OH JOHNNY BOYYYYY!"you sang. "Y/n M/n L/n shut up."he replied. "You can't make me through the phone!"You said with sass. "Alright Alex, I'm coming with you!"John shouted. "Hey! Gimme back my turtleneck!"

"It's on my body now, and you love green! Lemme have the f/c one!"

"But I wanna wear it!"

"I'll let you wear my PATD sweatshirt."

"Done deal."

You laughed at the two. "Hurry up before I try again and fail on purpose,"You state.

It ten minutes tops, they were over at your two story apartment. "I'm happy to help you in bed—I mean help you do handstands."Alex blushed. "

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