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"park jinyoung." 3 people turned around to look at the person who had said this. "um, yeah? who are you?" jinyoung asked, looking a little irritated and disgusted. his 2 friends seemed a little confused but not nearly as irritated as jinyoung.

"i'm im jaebeom, and i've seen you around this school, kind of being a dick to everyone, especially kim yugyeom and bambam, which is just really not cool at all. anyways, i came here to request something of you." the boy, now known as jaebeom said, smiling a bit.

"uh, what do you want?" jinyoung seemed hesitant, and still had a weird expression on his face. "basically, my parents are leaving to go out of town for 2 week in a couple of days,, and since they're not gonna be here, i want to have fun and do something i've wanted to do for a while. i want to go on a road trip. just drive and stay in hotels wherever i end up." jaebeom said, smiling still.

the 3 guys in front of him looked confused, especially the one with red hair. they didn't understand why jaebeom was telling them this, they didn't know each other, so why did they need to know that he wanted to go on a road trip? what was the point in telling them this.

"okay? why do i care?" jinyoung was trying to sound rude, and annoyed, and was succeeding. the brunette standing beside him hit jinyoung lightly, as if he was telling him to calm down and be less of a dick to this guy he didn't even know at all.

"i want you to come with me. you seem like you need time away from this school because you really are a huge dick to everyone here. of course you don't have to, but it'd be nice to have some company, and maybe you can come back a new person. my parents leave on saturday, and so do i. please tell me whether you're coming or not on friday." jaebeom said cheerfully.

all 3 of the boys stared at jaebeom with a shocked and confused expression on their faces. this random dude just invited jinyoung on a 2 week road trip because he's a dick to everyone. you'd think that'd make people want to stay away from him, not be with him for 2 weeks non stop.

jinyoung was about to say something, but before he could, jaebeom was already gone.

ROAD TRIP. - JJPWhere stories live. Discover now