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Reporter: Breaking news. This is footage from last night's Town Hall Dinner for New Donk City's Police, Firefighters, and First Responders.

(Con't) Right there is the wanted fugitive, F/n L/n attacking Samus Aran, Mario, and Luigi of the Smash Council. Y/n has been wanted for the murder of 4 homeless people and 14 police officers and injuring SWAT Captain Damien Diego.

(Con't) After being arrested, Y/n will be taken to the Smash Council for it's attacks in the Mushroom Kingdom and Smashville of the Animal Crossing Kingdom as well.

Smash Ship

Y/n sat on the floor of the containment cell he was taken into last night by the members of the Smash Council. His back was towards the door, his vision looking towards the wall.

It was like a child getting punish and had to stand at the wall, looking at it till the parents says your punishment is over.

Falco: Y/n...hands on the wall.

Getting up on his feet, the Fugitive put his hands on the wall and his legs spread out. The Avian walk over, placing handcuffs on the hands and the two walk out of the cell

The former Officer enter a small room with a silver desk with a chair, a light that shine down. Y/n sat on one side, watching the Blue-Feathered Star Fox Pilot walk over to the door.

After a moment waiting, there was a knock on door. Falco open the door and two members of the Council entered. The ones that Nergal beat up. Mario and Samus who wore an armorless light blue dark blue mix outfit. She had long blonde hair in a ponytail, blue eyes that made her look cute, even if she was staring a hole in your head.

Mr. Video Games sport an black eye and minor bruises on the left side of his face.

Mario: F/n l/n...

Y/n: Let me guess. You're doing good cop, bad cop?

Mario: N-no y/n. We're just going to do that. We just want to know why?

Y/n takes in a mouthful of oxygen, only to release it out in a sigh. Samus slam her hands on the metal desk.

Samus: You're the only one with this strange power, killing innocent people in three different kingdoms! I-

Y/n: Find it impossible to see how it wasn't me who kill those people...I've been wrongfully accused. But after my actions from last night...I can't dig myself out of this hole.

Samus: You're right, you can't. If you want to stick with your story, that's fine. The truth will come out and it'll come out of your mouth.

The former Officer turn his eyes to the Bounty Hunter, his (e/c) change to green. The skin in the back of his head felt like it was crawling.

Y/n: You want the truth out of my mouth. Here it is: Two days ago, everything was going smooth like it has and four people go to the bank, not rob it, but to get my attention. We brought them to jail, they wouldn't answer for their crimes to my chief and partner, so I go to confront, only for them to call me an halfbreed.

(Con't) Only to find out that I have this thing inside of me called a Nergaling since my whole life and here we are!

(Con't) So, let me ask you two this: If I'm in here, set for trial with the Smash Council...what is the real culprit going to do? The same thing to another innocent person and more because you got the wrong person.

Y/n stare at the two members of the original 12, his eyes returning to it's original color. Samus wasn't having it with the excuses.

Samus: Listen, little monster. We will see about that.

The Fugitive gave her a fake smile. But he found himself confused, raising an eyebrow.

Y/n: Uh, buddy. This is when you get angry for being called mon-that word?

Nergal didn't respond. He was awfully quiet since being arrested. It was calm, but strange.

Y/n: Wow, you got him to shut up. I applaud you two.

Mario: Can we...talk to him?

The Ex-Officer shrug his shoulders, waiting for the Nergaling to speak. The black skin appear on the left side of his face.

"What do you want? Can't you see I'm minding my business?"

Samus: Is it true what your partner told us?

"Of course it is. Y/n is a man who loves the city of New Donk, helping streets get clean of criminal activity, helping the community any chance he gets, giving credit to others instead of being selfish and taking the glory.

"I been with him all his life, taking care of his mom, the house, doing odd jobs to keep a roof on their head. There's no evil in this human's body.

"All I wanted to do is clear his name where he wanted to be arrest and have the real perpetrator show his or her face.

"But...I messed it up for him. The public saw who I was and now he won't be seen as the hero he really is. They'll see him what you see...a monster."

The skin retract back in the body, leaving Samus, Mario, and Y/n speechless after hearing the things the Underworld creature said.

After being put back in the cell, the Arrested Officer smiled, but was still confused on what happen at the interrogation.

Y/n: Is it true?

"Is what true?"

Y/n: What you said back there.

"Of course idiot. I've seen what you've done in your life. Your eyes are my eyes. You provide for mom every chance you could until she was gone, fought the doubters who told you that you wasn't fit to be a police officer.

"But importantly, you grew up to a great man. I ruin your life. I wish it was me that can be in jail while you have a better life. I'm sorry."

Y/n felt a tear roll down his face after Nergal finish. He felt like he was talking from his heart...well it's Y/n's heart, but you got the point.

Y/n: 'This isn't coming from me. It's...from him. I didn't he was able to do that.'

(Con't) You didn't ruin my life...kind of. We just never got on same page. You always want to fight and rip limbs off. It wouldn't make us more innocent then we already is.

"Yeah...when I ask you that, it was a test."

Y/n: Then I definitely pass. Anyway, we're on the same page now. We need to get out of here.

"How, y/n?"

Y/n: I don't know. But the real perpetrator got what he or she wanted. I don't think they would come kill us with the heroes here.

"We would've been dead a long time ago if they wanted us gone. They knew what we are. They had to plan all of this."

Y/n: We need to get more news on what happened when I got home. I just hope Sophie sees the tape...

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