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Y/n: H-hey guys, you don't want to do this..."

The former Officer stood in front of a large group of SWAT Officers with their rifles pointed at the Wanted Fugitive.

Fox: Y/n, either you go down on the ground or we'll make you!

"For someone who wants to arrest us, you're being aggressive"

Falco: We're not playing your games. Either get down or you'll be eating lead, monster.


Y/n: Nergal! We're doing what they say. This is final


Getting down on one knee, the former Police Officer proceed to get on the floor and be arrested.

Before he could get the other knee down, his mind receive some kind of an alarm. Something was heading his way.

Y/n leap up in the air and perform a backflip as high that amaze the heavily armor officers and the Star Fox members.

With a shatter of glass, a small fire erupt after landing on the floor.

Landing on his feet, the Fugitive growled at the heroes who were suppose to arrest him.

Fox and Falco turn around to see The Belmonts running to the front.

Falco: What are you two doing?! We had him!

Simon: All you two are doing endangering everyone of these men and women while we're go slay this creature.

"This will be fun" Nergal said. Black skin wrap around Y/n body with exception of his head.

The Slayer of Dracula threw a cross at the Fugitive. The Nergaling/Human hybrid sidestep out of the way of the incoming weapon.

Simon's descendant threw an small axe up in the air. Falling down to the enemy, it was snatched by him with a tendril.

With an weapon in his hands, Nergal slash at Simon who dodge out of way of the fast swipes by jumping backwards.

"I just want to cut you down a size" the Nergaling said to the Legendary Monster Hunter, giving him a toothy crazy grin with his sharp white teeth with green saliva dripping out.

Y/n: 'No killing!'

It was rare that the Former Officer was in a fight like this, especially against a Smash Brother and with the enhance agility of an creature.

Nergal was about to swipe the axe at Simon's chest, but he felt something wrap around his wrist and being pulled back. Turning his head, the Halfbreed saw Richter was the one who cause him from harming the ancestor, holding his whip.

With the beast's attention to his descendant, the Slayer of Dracula hit Nergal with an uppercut, sending him up in the air.

With his whip still around it's wrist, Richter pull his weapon, bringing the creature down to the floor.

Close to slamming on the floor, the Nergaling stick out his arms, bounce back on his legs. Grabbing the whip with part of it that was still wrap on his arm, he pull on it with force, taking Richter towards him.

Close to his enemy, Nergal grab the young hunter's head and slam him on the floor, knocking him out.

Seeing his descendant taken down by the beast, Simon charging towards it with an small axe that he usually toss up.

The Monster had to be slain before he could kill anymore people. Raising his left arm with the weapon in hand, swing it at the head of the beast.

Grabbing wrist of The Hunter before strike his face, Nergal slam his forearm into the back of his head, knocking him out.

The creature turn his green eyes to Fox, Falco, and the group of SWAT Cops, giving them a snarl.

"I'm innocent! Go to the Police Department and ask for Officer Baskins! She has proof."

Before the Star Fox members can question him, Nergal shoot out tendrils out of his hands on two metal rods next to a rectangular window.

With a pull, the creature head towards and smash through the window, making his escape.

Falco and Fox jog over to The Belmonts who were out cold.

Falco: Great...

Fox: We need to see this Baskins kid. Samus, come in.

Samus: What do you want?!

Fox: Where are you? The creature ran away from us. Richter and Simon are down.

Samus: Nice going, Boy Scouts!

Falco: Just keep your eyes out for him.

Ending the call on their scouter, the Star Fox teammates remember what Y/n said about the NDCPD and Officer Baskins.

Fox: Whoever this Baskins is, she's a suspect.

Falco: Let's just go and catch this thing first.


Y/n continue to swing from light post to light post. He need a place to hide till the heat die down.

Y/n: That was...it was...I don't even know what to say?

"Amazing? Exhilarating? Fantastic?"

Y/n: Yeah, all of that. Those jackasses deserved it. I'm just someone who trying to prove his innocence. Thanks for not killing them.

"No problem. Even though they want to kill us, we don't kill heroes. We kill killers, murderers, those who put the innocent in danger."

Y/n: Well we will have that chance after thi-


The Runaway Fugitive was hit with some kind of explosive, causing him to fall down a couple feet till he broke through a window and landed on a table.

Y/n: O-ou-ouch.

The Cop slump over, laying on the table. His left leg, right hand and neck were dislocated.

Y/n was dead.

Floating down the broken window, landing on the floor, Samus, Mario, and Luigi. Walking up to the dead body.

The Armored Bounty Hunter kick the body of the Fugitive. Not a limb moved.

Samus: Serves you right, monster.

Nergal (Male Reader x Nintendo)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя