One - The Frown Never Fades

Start from the beginning

"Are you guys dating?" Calum smirked.

"No, Cal." Luke snapped at the brunette. It was weird to see Luke get angry and he had two types of anger, he either looked like a little kitten, or a scary monster.

"Kitties put your claws away." Michael smirked.

"You guys are rude and idiotic." Luke sighed and began his work as I sat with a confused expression, like the other boys.

"Um..Okay." I said.

"Oh not you Ash." Luke smiled at me.

"What the hell.." Michael mumbled. "Luke don't have favorites."

"I can do what I want." Luke shrugged with a sly grin.

So the class continued as we worked on our worksheets and eventually I got so stuck that I slammed down my pencil making Luke jump up.

"Sorry, I'm just frustrated." I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Oh, can-can I help you?" Luke asked. I hated asking anyone for help, because they made the answer seem so obvious that I seemed stupid. That wasn't the case with Luke.

"Sure." I shrugged.

"Okay, so.." Luke said and looked at my paper. "Oh, I understand why this would be confusing. Instead of carrying the four and then subject three, try it the other way, you get a different answer."

"Oh. Thanks." I smiled at Luke and he nodded.

"Anytime." He said. "Oh, class is almost over. Too bad. I like math."

"Me too." I smiled.

"But I also like science, english, and music." Luke shrugged.

"We have all those classes together." I smiled.

"Oh. What a funny coincidence. Maybe you just make the class more fun!" Luke giggled.

"Luke you're so gay." We turned our heads up to see Noah Atkins, who was smirking and shaking his head slowly.

"Um.." I mumbled. "I kinda resent that?"

"No not bisexual Ashton. Luke is full on gay." Noah said. "C'mon. He's never had a girlfriend, never kissed anyone. He's a virgin at life. Just come out Lukey-poo." I didn't understand. Noah was apparently one of Luke's friends. But here he was, saying this rude stuff. Maybe he was joking but Luke's wide eyes expression suggested he didn't take it that way.

"Luke, are you okay?" I asked as Luke packed up.

"Of course!" Luke smiled and sniffled. He was not okay.

"Okay.." I just went with it. But for the rest of the day Luke seemed..Off. Luke, Michael, Calum and I were planning to hang out after school today, after all it was a Friday, but Luke texted me and said something came up and he couldn't make it.

"Wonder what he's doing." Michael said as we walked towards my car.

"He's over there." Calum pointed and we saw the blonde.

"What the hell, is he just ditching us?" Michael scoffed. Before any of us could say anything, Michael stomped over and pushed Luke. "What the hell Luke!?"

"W-What?" Luke panicked.

"Why are you ditching us?!"

"I'm not!"

"Where are you going then?" Michael put his hands on his waist. "Luke if you don't want to hang out, just say so."

"I have to go to-to the doctors.." Luke mumbled.

"Oh really?" Michael scoffed.

"Look!" Luke shoved his phone in Michael's face and his jaw dropped as he looked from the screen to Luke, then back to the screen.

"I'm sorry Luke." Michael mumbled as he lifted Luke up off the ground. "We'll see you later, y-yeah?" Luke nodded.

"Bye Luke." Calum said and we walked back to my car. "Michael, what's the matter? What did Luke's phone say?"

Michael took in a shorty breath. "Nothing guys..Nothing."


Well that was that. Lawls. It sucked. Oh well. I rewrote this three times. So.


Ya :D

Hugs, Kisses, Cuddles and Serenades xX

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