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Wanda and I watched the whole thing go down after we left. I was sad that I couldn't destroy Flash, but his friends I can with no sympathy. Wanda and I were just waiting for Peter to come out of surgery to tell him the news. Wanda sighed as she worked on levitating items and placing them on top of each other as we waited.


Bruce came out with Doctor Cho and both Wanda and I stood up. I felt my emotions clash with each other as I waited for the news of my friend. Bruce took off his glasses, cleaning them with the hem of his shirt before putting them on once more.

"Peter is going to be alright, his healing factor is kicking into high gear so his injures should be completely healed soon." Bruce said.

I felt my body relax after hearing this, I could tell that was the same with Wanda.

"Can we?" I asked.

"Of course, if you need anything just ask F.R.I.D.A.Y." Bruce said.

We nodded before running to Peters room to see him laying elevated on the hospital bed looking at his hands that were trembling. I glanced at Wanda, who looked at me, before we walked over to Peter and sat on either side of him. Peter looked up before letting out a sigh.

"Soo..." was all he could say, his throat sounded raw.

"Pete... James and Jacob have been arrested for the attempt of murder..." I said slowly.

Peter nodded.

"And Flash?" Peter asked.

"Flash was the one to get your teacher and the tour guide. After we left to take you to the med bay, F.R.I.D.A.Y showed us the sudden change with Flash. It turns out that Spider-man was his idol and he wanted to do good. He had thought about why he was bulling you while he was in detention. So when he decided to lay off on the bulling he told both James and Jacob that.." Wanda said before trailing off.

"They threatened him as well. So that is why he was still bulling you as well but not as much." Harry finished.

"Oh. I never did blame Flash for leaving me with the two... I could tell that he was scared. I guess he needed something to help him with saving me which I'm thankful for." Peter said.

"Well we will let you get some rest. We'll be back with some food and entertainment later Pete." Harry said.

Wanda kissed Peter's forehead before leaving the room. I looked at Peter, who looked at me, I sighed and gave him a gentle hug.

"Get some rest please... and don't pull any of  your crap that you usually do when we were kids. Got it! Cause I won't hesitate to tie you to this bed like when we were kids Pete, and you know that I can tie a mean knot." I said.

Peter chuckled, paling slightly.

"Got it Har, I'll see you later then." Peter said.

I smiled before ruffling his hair a bit before leaving the room to head up stairs.

|Peter|~A week later~

It has been a long and boring week. After I was let out of the Med bay, I had to stay at the tower for another two days before I was allowed to leave for school. So here I am standing in front of the school with my hood up as I calmed my breathing down. I could see kids looking at me and whispering, looks of pity being shot my way. Cindy walked up to me with a small box in hand and gave it to me with a small 'I hope that you have a good day' before leaving with a smile.

That is what everybody did who were at the field trip. Mr. Harrington had given me my homework that I had missed and asked me how I was feeling. I answered with a honest 'My back is still healing, but other then that I'm okay just shaken from the whole thing'. It was around lunch when Flash appeared. Everyone was silent.

"Uh... hey.. Peter..." Flash stammered.

"Hey Flash." I greeted.

Flash was silent for a moment before looking at me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry for everything that I did to you. I was jealous of you and how good you were at things... I know that this won't change the past but I hope that we can work on being friends or at least start on a clean slate... I understand if you don't. I totally get it." Flash said.

I was shock to say the least. Flash was jealous? Of me? I remembered when I was little I envied Flash for being able to do sports and for being strong, so hearing that he was jealous of me was a bit of a shocker. I chuckled lightly before looking at him.

"I didn't expect that... I confess that I had envied you when I was a kid, I mean come on you're good at sports and stronger then me... So you being jealous me is surprising to say the least." I said. Even though I am stronger then him with me being Spider-man and all.

Flash smiled weakly.

"I know that what you did to me in the past is unforgivable." I stated, I saw Flash nod as he looked at the floor. "But what you did at the field trip was very brave and you saved my life if you didn't do what you did. So I can look past on the bulling, Harry told me that you wanted to stop bulling me so I would like to start on a clean slate." I said, Flash looked up with a smile.

"But don't expect Mj or Ned to be so forgiving.... though once they find out what James and Jacob did I think you will be safe. So try to gain their respect and forgiveness as well." I said.

"Yeah, I know but I will do everything that I can to make it up to you Peter. I promise." Flash said, with a smile.

I smiled as I watch Flash walk away, looking like a weight has been lifted off of his shoulders. I was happy that I won't be tormented anymore at school. Enjoying my lunch in peace with the occasional classmate coming up to me and giving me small gifts and wishing me well. I was happy through out the day and enjoyed all of my classes, I rushed out of school to see Happy standing by the car.

Grinning as I rushed over to Happy and as soon as I was close to the man I started talking about my day. I also mentioned that Flash apologised to me and that we were starting over on a clean slate. Happy just nodded as he drove towards the tower. I watched as we passed people with a smile on my lips, today was a good day.


I was talking with Harry as we both ate some of the chocolates that I received from my class, I was working on my homework while Harry was on his phone. it was very peaceful to say the least. Until Tony came in looking worried for the both of us.

"Pete, Harry. We need the both of you out in the living room." Tony said before leaving.

I looked at Harry with a confused look, he just shrugged. We both got up to go to the elevator. After I was released from the med bay Tony took me to a floor were there was my room and Harry's. Turns out that they had given me a floor of my own to share with my friend. Now we can stay up late as we want too with out waking Tony or Pepper. So when me and Harry reached the floor that we were asked to go to, we walked out and my Spider-sense went off.

I turned to see the man from before, Fury. He turned to look at Harry and I with a cold stare. Harry stepped closer to me while I did the same with him. We slowly walked closer to the group, I notice that Steve looked a little bit to smug for some odd reason but I had a feeling that I was going to find out soon.

"So this is where you have been hiding. Goblin.... Spider-man." Fury said.

Right then and there, Captain America lost all of my respect. I made sure to keep Harry behind me as I looked at Fury with a look that screamed 'Hurt him and I will take you down with no mercy'.


Sorry for the wait, I have been busy and stressed a bit. I have gotten a job interview and I am now waiting for a call. I also got to celebrate my older sibling's birthday, we went to Calaway park which was fun! Anyways I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter! Tell me what you think about it I love to read your guy's comments!

  Started writing: July 23, 2019

Finished writing: Aug 4, 2019

Edit writing: Aug 4, 2019

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