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I was standing in the family room watching Peter help the kids with their math, Peter looked more relaxed as he helped cooper and Lila with there homework before turning to look over Cassie's homework and congratulated her on finishing.

"He looks more happier, Tony." Pepper said.

"Yeah he does." Tony said.

Everything was peaceful, so when the elevator dinged everyone looked over to see Steve and Bucky step out from the elevator followed by the King of Wakanda. I walked over and smiled at our guests.

"Captain, Barnes, King T'Challa I'm glad that you all could make it here!" I greeted.

"Stark. Why the sudden change?" Steve stated a set glare.

"Well Cap you see I finally realised the mistake that I made-" I started before getting cut off by Cap.

"Yeah, you tried to kill my friend." Steve snapped.

"Well we all make mistakes, like killing my parents... but that isn't why I asked you to be here." I stated, clutching and un-clutching my fists to keep me calm.

"Then why? Why are we here Tony? Are you here to tell me that the Accords are a good choice? That the Government should have control of heroes and what we do?" I flinched at the harsh tone that he use.

I could tell that everyone was quite and watching us, but I need to tell him that I realised what I did was wrong and that I will fix my mistake.

"Steve.... I know what I did before was uncalled for but at the time I thought-"

"No Tony you didn't think, that's the problem you never think things through! I bet if you decided that it is a good idea to.... Oh, I don't know adopt a kid thinking that it would be easy I'm sure that you would corrupt that kid into thinking that the world is safe!" Steve snapped.

I froze. Then I heard a muffled sob. I turned to see Peter stand up and run passed us and into the elevator. When Peter turned around, I saw heartache and betrayal in his eyes. The same eyes that I saw a at the funeral.

"Peter!" I called out as the doors closed.

Silence. Pure death cold silence, I felt like my heart was ripped out by Peter's look.

"You know Cap, I was trying... I was trying so hard to make sure that we all could get the group back together, for Peter's sake. A kid that I adopted, a kid who lost everything, a kid who we just got to smile for once! A kid who was happy! A kid Steve! A kid!" I snapped.

Steve looked shocked, I could hear Clint shushing his kids. I heard Scott give Cassie over to Wanda.

"I'll go talk to Pete." Scott said.

"Thank you Scott." Pepper said.

Scott walked to the elevator and got in. I gave me a reassuring smile then a look of shame towards Cap as the doors closed. Taking him to Peter.

"Your rooms are on the guest floor, F.R.I.D.A.Y will take you to them, come talk to me in two hours. I'll also get F.R.I.D.A.Y to lead you to where I am. Your highness, I have a floor for you F.R.I.D.A.Y will take you there." I said evenly before turning away and walking to a different part of the room.


I ran to my room and pulled out my suit and started to put it on, tears fell from my eyes as I put on my red sweater. I grabbed my web-shooters ad putting them on before grabbing my mask.

"Hey Pete listen, you aren't... oh my gosh.." I froze as I hear Scott walking in.

I slowly turned around to see Scott's look of shock, I slowly start to panic. He rushed over before I could do anything and pulled me into a hug. It took me a moment to realise that he wasn't going to yell at me or anything.

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