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The next day was a bit chaotic in the morning, Scott was pacing the floor along with Clint. Pepper was making sure that we had enough food for everyone, Vision and Wanda were helping with setting up rooms for the guests. Sam was texting somebody with a grin on his face while I was sitting with Natasha working on speaking again without stuttering, while teaching me Russian as well. So far I am doing better and I am a fast learner so that's a plus! There was a ding of the elevator indicating that someone has arrived and there were shouts of joy following soon after.

"DADDY!!" A girl cried.

"Peanut! Oh my little girl it is so good to see you again!" Scott's voice rang out through the family room.

"DAD!!!" three kids shouted.

"Oh I missed you guys!!" Clint cried as he hugged his children.

"Oh and where is my hug?" A woman's voice teased lightly.

I looked over to see families having a happy reunion's, I slowly begin to frown before looking at Natasha and sighed.

"I'm going to go to my room..." I said softly.

I stood up and started to make my way to the elevator before I was pulled back by Scott.

"Peter I want you to meet my daughter Cassie, Peanut this is Peter." Scott said.

I looked at the young girl who grinned.

"Hi! I'm Cassie Lang and I am eight years old! I dub you as my big brother!" Cassie said, I froze before a smile slipped on to my lips.

I knelt down to Cassie's height and chuckled lightly.

"Hi Cassie, I'm Peter Parker. I am fifteen years old. I dub you as my little sister." I said, Cassie smiled widened before she tackled me in a hug.

Scott smiled when I hugged back.

"Scott... I like her, I'm gonna keep her." I said, Cassie giggled at this while Scott laughed.

"Hey Pete! These are my kids. Cooper is the oldest, next is Lila and this little guy is Nathaniel our youngest." Clint said.

I saw a boy around the age of eleven, a girl around eight to nine and a toddler on Clint's hip. Cassie released me so I could greet the other kids.

"Hi, I'm Cooper!" Cooper said, smiling at me.

"Hello, I'm Lila." Lila said after her brother.

"H'llo! 'm N'te" Nathaniel said mumbling in his baby talk.

"Hello, I'm Peter." I said, a smile on my lips.

Clint passed Nathaniel to me and I instantly knew that this was their plan, to get me to stay and not being by myself in my room alone. Nathaniel rested his head on my shoulder as I held him in my arms, the kids smiled at me which in return made me smile as well.


"Okay lunch is ready!" Laura called out to us.

The adults walked to the dinning room while Clint, Scott and I herded the kids to the table before I passed Nathaniel to Natasha. We all sat around the table and dished up our plates with food. Then Laura began her questions towards me.

"So Peter how long have you been staying here at the tower?" She questioned.

"About a week I think?" I said.

"Are your parents out of town?" She questioned.

I could tell that the Avengers were hesitant on me being questioned about my family but I pushed through with the question.

"No, I lived with my Aunt and Uncle when I was five or six. My parents were killed in a plane crash when I was young. I don't really remember them, all I know about them is that they were scientists an that they worked a lot and have to leave the country when I was little so I wasn't really affected much." I said, I do care about my parents but they weren't really there for my childhood, Uncle Ben and Aunt May on the other hand were.

"Oh I'm sorry." Laura said, everyone looked at me sadly.

"It's fine really, I was raised by Uncle Ben and Aunt May ever since before...." I trailed off before closing my eyes a bit before looking up and continued on. "Before my Uncle was killed." I said.

"Oh Peter..." Pepper whispered.

Cassie hugged me tightly, I smiled at her before continuing on.

"It's okay, Aunt May and I talked a lot about Uncle Ben and how he would have wanted us to move on and continue with our lives. Aunt May took his death hard but... I... it was my fault that he was murdered... we got into a fight and I stormed off.. the fight was stupid and I wished that I could go back in time to fix everything but Uncle Ben wouldn't be happy if I did... He... he died in my arms that night." I said, a tear fell but I could still feel his arms around me.

"He was a man who would blame our 'Parker luck' on many things and he loved speaking his mind. Before he died he gave me one last piece of advice and I try to live up to it every day... for him. 'With great Power comes great response ability' I always try to help others and I help my Aunt May.... even though I forgot the eggs or milk on some days...." I finished chuckling about the days that I would come home with no eggs and Aunt May would joke about me being abducted by storm troopers that caused me to forget my 'Mission' on buying eggs.

"Kid, I don't even know how you can still smile after everything you have gone through." Tony said, everyone nodded in agreement.

"Because I got Parker luck and I found a new family that Aunt May would approve of while scolding you for making weapons and just for the fun of it. She would also try to embarrass me about me reading and understanding a book that Dr. Banner had written about Gamma radiation. Plus she would probably brag about me building my own computer out of scraps that I found in alleyways on my way home from school." I rambled.

I paused before looking at everyone with looks of shock on their faces.

"You built your own computer?" Sam chocked out.

"You understood everything Green bean written about Gamma radiation?" Tony asked looking like a kid in the middle of a candy store... or in Tony's case... in a middle of a science lab and was told that he could touch everything.

"Yeah.... I was also in the schools decathlon team and I have good grades in school.." I answered.

Laura and the rest of the girls smiled, the men looked impressed.

"Can you help us with our homework!" The kids cried out with hope.

"... Sure?" I said, before starting to eat once more.

"Dad! We are adopting Peter as our older brother, like Cassie did!" Cooper, Lila said and Nathaniel just nodded along while Natasha fed him some banana's with peanut butter on top.

We all laughed but I was happy for the first time ever since the death of Aunt May, I was slowly moving on.


Here is another lovely chapter and I hope that you all enjoyed it! Let me know what your thoughts were on this chapter! It is a nice fluffy chapter after a sad chapter :)

Started writing: June 27, 2019

Finished writing: June 27, 2019

Edit writing: June 28, 2019

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