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It has been a rough week, to be honest. Flash and his friends cornered me with every chance they got and beat me up till the bell rang then when I arrive at the tower I was always sent to the Med bay to be patched up again. But yesterday was the worst. Flash had some how figured out that I lost my aunt, I still can't figure out how. Now they are taunting me with the thought of everyone who knows me would rather be dead then be alive.

When I asked the lady at the front desk if I could see Miss. Winters, I found out that she was on vacation in Florida. So I just politely left before getting cornered again. I also found out that Mj went to Europe to visit a sick family member, Ned was with his Grandfather in California for the month, saying something about helping him move to Queens. So I was alone and it was terrifying.

I slowly began to stop talking once more, I only talked to my family and friends but outside of that I didn't really speak. I would text James and Max every once in a while, they both were happy that I was able to talk but when I told them about Flash and his friends they both were upset with my bullies and sad that I was wasn't talking that much outside of family and friends.

So here I was sitting in my last class when Mr. Harrington told us that we were all going on a surprise field trip on Monday. Everyone was excited, I was too but I was worried about the trip since every time I go on a field trip something bad always happens, hence me getting bitten by a radioactive spider when we went to Oscorp. So when we were dismissed I picked up my form and left the class room and sprinted down the halls to my locker and I rushed out of the school.

I saw Happy standing outside the car waiting for me, I was happy for that since James and Jacob didn't come after me. I smiled at Happy as both him and I got into the car, I pulled out my homework and got started on it.

The ride was quite the only sounds that could be heard was the sounds of the cars engine and a pencil to paper. I looked every once in a while and smile at Happy so he knows that I'm okay, even though I am really not okay. I never did tell them about Flash's friends' new way of bulling me and if Ned or Mj heard all of the things that Jacob and James say to me they would probably lose it and try to kill them.


"Thanks Happy!" I said as I got out of the car.

"No problem kid." Happy said.

I closed the door and rushed into the tower. I waved to some of the workers before getting into the elevator and headed to the family floor. I leaned against the back of the elevator and looked at the ground. A frown on my face as I thought about Flash and his goons. Flash wasn't there when his friends dragged me into the bathroom today. Flash wasn't really throwing punches at me anymore, which I had found odd but I was thankful for that after what they had pulled at lunch.

My hand curled around my left bicep, I winced slightly. I may not like Flash but I know that he wouldn't take bulling me to the level that his friends did. Heck everything that Flash did to me looks like child's play compared to what his sick friends did to me. I sighed as the doors opened and I saw that the floor was empty. I was confused.

"Hey Fri? Where is everyone?" I asked.

"They all were called out on a mission and will be back tonight and Harry is down in the gym." F.R.I.D.A.Y said.

"Thanks Fri." I said.

I walked to my room and dropped my things off before changing into to some shorts and a baggy long sleeved shirt, I grabbed my headphones and phone on my way out of my room. I then walked to the elevator and headed to the Med bay to pick up some bandages and I quickly wrapped my bicep to cover the new wounds that I got from Jacob and James and took some painkillers. I walked back to the elevator and headed to the gym.

When the rain fallsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora