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The whole ride to the restaurant was silent, nobody talked. Peter was sitting next to Pepper and Natasha and Wanda sat next to Natasha, Tony was sitting in the front with Happy after the many glares that he received from all of us. Sam Clint and I all had to squish in the very back, Tony may got us a limo to ride in but we still had to squish!

I saw Peter looking out the window with a blank look in is brown eyes. I wondered what would hurt such a young kid like Peter. But I kept my mouth shut and listened to the soft and gentle sounds of everyone's breaths and the sounds of the engine purr.


The waitress couldn't stop flirting with Tony, me, Clint, and Sam which made Pepper upset and Natasha very annoyed. Peter looked at Wanda for help. Poor Peter he looks so lost at this, I don't blame the kid and that waitress is out of my league! All my love is taken by my Daughter Cassie!

"So what can I get you gentleman?" She asked, "And ladies..." She added after getting a glare from Natasha.

"I'll get Pepsi." Tony said.

"Root Beer" Clint said.

"Sprite" I said, not looking at the blond chick.

"Ice tea." Sam grunted.

"I'll get some Peppermint tea with sugar." Wanda said.

"Peppermint tea as well." Natasha stated.

"Just a water for me please." Pepper said.

The waitress nodded before looking at Peter with lustful eyes.

"What about you cutie?"

Peter looked at her with a blank stare before writing down his reply and handed it to Natasha, Wanda looked at it and smirked.

"He wants so Peppermint tea with sugar and he also asked if you can quit looking at him like he is some piece of eye candy, and that he isn't comfortable with someone older then him eyeing him like a lust filled robot that is desperate for anything." Natasha stated.

The waitress blinked before glaring at Peter who glared right back at the waitress. The blond huffed before turning to leave, I chuckled at this.

"Peter I give you credit for writing all that!" I said, smirking as Peter wrote another reply down and handed it to me, with a small smile on his lips.

"Girls like her annoy me. They think that they can get whatever they want with batting an eyelash and stinking their lips out, like a child! Like that will make every guy out there in the world would fall for that! Plus Pepper looks like she is going to murder the girl for flirting with Tony, Natasha and Wanda look like they will help hide the body. I Just want to keep my sanity, beside's you all looked uncomfortable with her flirting with all of you."

I looked at Peter and smirked before letting the guys look at the note. Tony passed the note back after they all read it. Pepper smiled at Peter, Natasha patted his head and Wanda nodded with a small smirk on her lips.


After the whole flirting waitress incident, Tony talked to the Manager about Megan's flirting habit and that she purposely spilt Peter's food half on him and half on the floor and how he wasn't pleased about the serves that we had. Let's just say the Manager fired Megan on the spot and that we got a free desert and Peter got a free meal, desert and the Manager personally got Peter some new clothes after getting his size.

But other then that we all had a good time, even though some of us still don't like Tony. Peter would smile before having a distant far away look in his eyes that would bring a frown to his lips.

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