Chapter 47

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"Marlon, can you get the door?" I asked as I prepared food in the kitchen. Marlon set down his newspaper and looked back at me in the kitchenette.

"Should I be the one getting it? It's your guest." Marlon pointed out.

"The only reason my hands are full is because you distracted me from cooking." I turned to face him, wiping my hands on the small apron around my waist. "Now it's your turn to work."

"I worked when you were coming a little while ago." Marlon mumbled under his breath as he walked across the room to the door. He opened it, and there was a silence. I walked out of the kitchenette to see exactly what was going on. Glenn stood there staring at Marlon without saying a word.

"Is the kid mute?" Marlon looked back at me. Both men were in full suit & ties, blazers included. Marlon's was a dark blue, while Glenn's was a grey color that matched his light eyes.

"Glenn!" I smiled as I walked forward. "Welcome."

"Mr. Brando... I'm a big fan, sir." Glenn shook Marlon's hand excitedly.

"And I'm a fan of you." Marlon joked. Glenn furrowed his eyebrows, not quite getting it. "Glenn, won't you come in?"

"Thank you." Glenn nodded as he entered the apartment. Marlon shut the apartment door behind him. He looked at Glenn, taking him in. Then he grinned, sauntering over to stand beside me.

"Glenn, the food isn't quite ready... my hands have been a bit tied. But you're welcome to take a seat on the couch... or at the table. Make yourself at home." I invited.

"You're too kind." Glenn kept his polite attitude as he sat on the couch.

Both Marlon and I walked into the kitchenette where we whispered about our guest. "What does he work as?"

"He's the one I've been forced to share my office with." I whispered. Marlon's jaw clenched as he looked back.

"Ain't that the kid you didn't like?" Marlon asked and I nodded as I worked at the counter. "How the tables have turned."

"Well what do you think about him?" I whispered as my hands worked in front of me.

"I can see what you see." Marlon glimpsed over at the back of Glenn's head. "And I like what I see."

I paused, looking at Marlon. He left a kiss on my cheek, then walked over to join Glenn on the couch. At first there was a silence, but finally Glenn spoke.

"I must admit, I'm star struck at the moment Mr. Brando." Glenn told Marlon.

"Please... call me Marlon." He invited, placing his hand up as if to say give it a rest. "Now Glenn, when did you start working at the paper?"

"During Rose's hiatus." He answered. "It's been a great experience for me, sir."

"And what do you cover?" Marlon asked. Glenn cleared his throat, nervous at the question.

"Oh, popular news." Glenn answered. Marlon rose his eyebrows.

"Popular news." Marlon repeated. "Like... me?"

"You can say that, yes." Glenn shrugged. "Although I have only good things to say about you, sir."

"Again, it's Marlon, but sheesh, I didn't know I had to be silent around you." Marlon shrugged. "I need to watch what I say."

"I wouldn't use what was told to me in confidence for the paper." Glenn nodded. "That wouldn't be fair."

"So you wouldn't write it in the paper if I said you're a handsome guy, would you?" Marlon asked. Glenn paused, shocked at Marlon's comment.

Then he laughed, nodding. "No, I wouldn't."

"You are. I'm sure you hear that a lot." Marlon complimented again. I stared at the two men from the kitchen, hoping Marlon wouldn't offend Glenn. "I'm sure you hear it from girls... guys."

"Yeah. I do, actually." Glenn nodded.

"From guys too?" Marlon asked again to clarify.

"Yeah, men too." Glenn said.

"And you don't take any offense to it?" Marlon asked. Glenn shook his head 'no'. "Well I want you to know you're the best looking fella that ever walked into here. I'm telling you— if I didn't have this one."

"Hey." I rolled my eyes at his joke.

"And I can tell you that Rose thinks you're a looker too. Watch." Marlon pointed toward me. "Rose! Come over here."

I made sure nothing was on in the kitchen, then I walked over to the couch where the men sat. I stood next to Marlon, who placed a hand on my waist and motioned for me to walk forward. Glenn seemed bashful at all of this, a large smile on his face.

Marlon looked up at me as I stood in front of him.

"Take off all of this." He referred to my apron. Marlon's large hand touched my behind, then slowly unraveled the strings tying the apron to my body. "You know, Rose thinks your swell. Don't you, Rose?"

"I do." I told Glenn. He was mesmerized, silent but enjoying what was happening. His lips were parted as he looked at the both of us.

"And what do you think about Rose, Glenn?" Marlon asked as he tugged at the fabric of my stocking. "Ain't she a beaut?"

"She is." Glenn nodded as he looked into my eyes.

Marlon grinned, swiping his finger across his lip. "Wouldn't it be hilarious... if the two of you kissed?" At the same moment, Marlon pressed on my waist as he had me sit in his lap.

"I couldn't... she's your wife." Glenn looked to Marlon. "Even though I want to."

"Kiss her." Marlon invited. "Don't you want Glenn to kiss you, Rose?"

I grinned, leaning forward and placing my finger under Glenn's chin, bringing him closer to my face. The both of us kissed deeply, me sitting in Marlon's lap and Glenn sitting beside him. Marlon watched closely as Glenn's tongue explored my mouth. Then the kiss broke, a line linking between our bottom lips.

"That was great." Marlon's thumb stroked my hip. Then, he held my face as he brought me to kiss him. Marlon and I kissed as Glenn watched.

Afterwards, we paused.

Until finally, I took Glenn's head and brought it closer to Marlon's. The two men kissed each other while I watched. Glenn's hand went up to Marlon's tie as they kissed, then lightly moved away from each other.

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