Chapter 45

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That night, I sat in front of my vanity as I brushed my hair. My attire was the usual light and airy negligee I'd always pranced around the house in. Not far away Marlon was in my bathroom, brushing up his teeth. We'd decided to stay the night in my brownstone, just to have a change of scenery. Marlon said he always enjoyed being in my bedroom.

I looked over at my husband, and there he stood strong and tall. The light above him shined down on his naked torso, his shoulder blades moved as he brushed his teeth. Marlon placed both hands on either side of the sink and lowered his face down. I bit my lip as I watched his back ripple, then he stood back up.

"Marlon." I beckoned him. He walked over, standing behind where I sat. The both of us looked into the vanity mirror. His defined stomach was right behind my head, I felt his crotch on my shoulder. "Do you think I'm beautiful?"

I wrapped my arm behind me, circling around his hips. He slipped his fingers under the strap of my lacy night gown and allowed it to fall off of my shoulder. My arm released him as he lowered himself and kissed the exposed area of my shoulder. "You're gorgeous."

I smiled at his answer. He left small kisses leading up to my jaw. This was very sweet, but I had to go deeper. "Do you think other girls are beautiful?"

His lips were still against my skin, but suddenly his body was frozen. Marlon stood up and looked at me in the mirror. "What makes you ask that?"

"Just a question. Like any other question." I shrugged. He placed his hand on my bare shoulder and slid it up to my neck.

"You're beautiful... that's all that matters." He leaned down and began kissing my neck once again. Now I felt slighted.

"What?" I asked.

"Hm?" Marlon continued kissing against my neck, interested in another activity than this one.

"Marlon, what matters is that you didn't answer my question." I told him. He groaned, standing up once again. His face seemed annoyed by this, he didn't want the confrontation.

"So what if I think other women are beautiful? I think you're beautiful. I married you." Marlon told me. "What's this about? You think I'm cheating on you?"

"No..." I defensively answered.

"Is it because you're colored and I'm not?" He asked.

"No!" I bellowed even more passionately.

"Then what is it? What's the problem?" He questioned. I sighed, shutting my eyes. "Hey, aren't we honest with each other?"

Marlon leaned down and wrapped his arms around my neck. I placed my hands on his forearms as we slowly rocked back and forth. "Alright, I'll tell you. I think another man is attractive."

Marlon's movement stopped. He released me from his embrace and began to back away. His face became puzzled, he stomach tensed. He turned around, slipping away from me. Then he sat on the bed across the room.

I looked over my shoulder at him, my heart beating out of my chest. "Marlon, didn't you just allude that you find interest in other women?"

"Sure, I do. Not just women... but men too." Marlon's shoulders shrugged. "But jeez, Rose... I'm a man!"

"And what does that have to do with sexual attraction? It's purely chemical... something that can't be turned off." I argued.

"But women are monogamous creatures by nature... I never thought that you'd ever..." Marlon stood up from where he sat on my bed. "You're not going to make me into a cuckhold, are you?"

"Marlon this is getting out of hand!" I stood up from my vanity. My arms extended out on either side of me. "All I wanted to know was whether or not you find other woman attractive!"

"Sure you did... but that's not all." He reminded me.

"Yeah, that wasn't all but—" I fisted my arms in front of my chest. Then I realized how absurd this was. My arms relaxed on either side of me, I slowly strode over to where Marlon stood in front of my bed. My hands stroked him from his shoulders down to his pecks. "I saw another man... a random man. A stranger. And I liked what I saw. Even fantasized about it... but that that didn't insight any want to be unfaithful. I'm one hundred percent in this marriage, Marlon... it's just that for a moment— a mere moment— I imagined I was getting fucked by someone else?"

Marlon's face was restful as I stroked his pecks. He was willing to listen. A small tuft of curly hair hung in front of his forehead. "Well, what does he look like?"

"Tall. Strong build. Big muscles." I listed as I stroked Marlon's chest with my fingers.

"Bigger than mine?" Marlon interrupted. I grinned, rising to my tippy toes and leaving a kiss on his lips. I wasn't going to answer that question. He chuckled at my silence. "What happened?"

"When?" I cocked my head to the side with a smile. Marlon's arm's wrapped around my waist, squeezing me closer to him.

"In that fantasy of yours." He clarified, his hand reaching down and cupping my behind. He squeezed it lightly.

"Well, in it it was me and him in a room. Then he tore off all my clothes and threw me on a bed. I was shocked but my heart raced because I was excited... then he began fucking me roughly. Until my pussy was sore. Next thing I knew, I was looking to the side of me. And there you sat, watching us."

"I was there?" Marlon asked in a low growl. He was already invested in this fantasy of mine. His hands searched the back of my body as I told him the tale. "Did I enjoy the fucking?"

"You did. You sat there, fully dressed in a suit. Fedora on. Cigarette hanging out of your mouth. And in your pants was the biggest erection I'd ever seen. You were so turned on to see your wife getting fucked by someone else." I whispered into his ear. My hand crawled from the nape of his neck into his hair, he engaged in a deep kiss with me.

"Maybe this fantasy wasn't so bad at all." He mumbled. Suddenly Marlon twisted me to the other side of him, throwing me onto the bed. I gasped with a smile as he lifted my skirt. The aftermath of his lips against my clit was the biggest sedative. We both went to sleep.

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