Chapter 32

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"You have to make sure you come back soon, you hear?" Norman smiled as Marlon and I packed our bags into the cab.

"And send us cards!" Celia smiled as her husband wrapped an arm around her. I stood in front of them wearing my traveling suit and matching hat. Celia wrapped me in a tight hug. "Don't be a stranger!"

"I'll call you." I promised. Norman wrapped me in a hug as well. As I looked up at the ranch house, I could see Eula in an upstairs room looking down at us. She didn't care to wish us goodbye.

"Alright, we're gone!" Marlon opened the door for me. I waved goodbye on last time and then got into the car. I looked back at that ranch through the rear window as we drove away. As I turned back around, I paused when I noticed Marlon smiling at me.

"What is it?" I questioned the sparkle in his eye.

"Nothing." He cleared his throat, concealing the emotion. "Not a thing at all."

After a long, quiet drive we arrived back in Manhattan. I asked Marlon to drop me off at my apartment. If I were to distance my heart from Marlon, I shouldn't be under the same roof as him.

He helped me bring in my suitcase then stood up straight and tall. His collared shirt was firmly around his neck as he lifted his chin. "Well... I guess uh... enjoy being home."

"As to you." I nodded slightly. Marlon looked down at the floor, then his eyes peered up at me slightly. For the first time, I noticed a green color to his brown eyes. Every second I spent with Marlon opened a new door to learn something new about him. Every time I got to know him better, the prospect of losing him became more unbearable.

As he turned around towards the door and reached to the knob, I reached out and touched his shoulder. "Marlon—"

He held the door knob, then slightly turned his head to the side. He didn't turn his body toward me, he just looked at his shoulder as I touched his shoulder blade. "Marlon, I just wanted to go over something with you."

Marlon turned around to face me. His full lips were in a pout. As he lifted his head, a tuft of wavy hair fell onto his forehead. With every noticeable imperfection, Marlon seemed more seraphic in my eyes. "What's wrong, Rose?"

I clasped my hands in front of me, my lips gaping as I searched for the words. I loathed that I felt like I had to say what I had to say. Something in me wanted to tell Marlon the exact opposite. Still, I continued on for what was better for the both of us. "I just wanted to let you know that... about having affairs... you can have as many as you want. Have plenty! After all, this is a marriage all for laughs."

A slight tension formed between Marlon's eyebrows, but he quickly relaxed his face. "Of course. I'll continue my bachelorhood behavior."

"I want you to." I said in a soft voice. My lip began to quiver after Marlon walked out of the door. As the large door shut, I stood alone in my home. The only sound was that of the ticking grandfather clock. I covered my face with my hands, slowly sinking to the ground.

Once again, I was alone.

I took a few days to myself. In the backyard I tended to my garden, I cleaned around the house I was always too busy to clean, and I explored the treasures left in the attic of my home.

I even exercised my freedom. I'd go out to the nightclubs, dance and drink. After dark I'd bring home some stranger and allow him to grope me in every place. Still, those were not the hands I wanted on me. As the silhouette of strangers would pound into me on those lonely nights, all I did was think about Marlon. Wishing it was Marlon.

Something inside of me willed me to go outside. Out there, exposed to the real world, I walked around Manhattan. No one recognized me, I was just any other stranger heading along the sidewalk.

Afterwards I decided to step into a restaurant. Two people sat at a table, a man and a woman. I walked past them, not noticing much about them. There I stood, looking at a menu on the bar of the resultant. Then suddenly, a smooth feline voice called after me.

"Rose." The voice said after I passed by. I turned around, questioning whether or not I should give that individual the time of day. Then I recognized the person immediately. It was Eartha Kitt, smiling warmly my way. "Please join us, we'd love to have a coffee with you."

"Oh no, I couldn't..." I shook my head with a smile. Then, the man turned around to face me. After seeing his face, I recognized him as well. It was James Dean. He looked different with his spectacles on. The star that shined on the screen was now more human. An average man with average flaws.

 An average man with average flaws

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"Come on, Rose. Join us!" He invited with a smile. Slowly I made my way over to the table. There was no seat, so Eartha grabbed one for me and pulled it toward the table.

"What are you doing traveling the city without your beaux?" Eartha asked with a smile as I sat at the table. I'd barely heard her. My mind scavenged for excuses about why I'm not with my husband. I had to prepare myself before she'd ask.

"Hmm?" I rose my eyebrows, too caught up in my own thoughts to hear her question.

"Where's Bud?" James asked. I tilted my head to the side.

"Who's Bud?" I asked him. James grinned at Eartha from across the table. She laughed and slapped the table.

"James, they haven't been married for that long. This is showbiz! You get married before you know a person's last name." Eartha shook her head, her dimples on display. She placed a hand on my arm that rested on the table. "That's your husband, love. We call him Bud."

"My husband." I lowered my chin as the words left my lips. There was no way to get away from Marlon. He'd follow me everywhere even when he was out of my presence. Eartha could tell something was wrong, so did James.

"How's the married life?" James asked out of curiosity. My facial expression spoke a thousand words. James' high cheek bones softened as his mouth formed into a pout. "Oh."

"Listen, Marlon was never the marriage type anyhow." Eartha shook her head. "If it doesn't work out, get a divorce, take his money and live on your own. You don't need a man nowadays!"

"Sheesh, Eartha they're having a rough spot no one said anything about divorce!" James spoke. "Marlon just needs to get used to married life, that's all."

"Jimmy, you of all people knows Marlon has a superhuman libido. We don't need a beauty like Rose losing shut eye over that." Eartha went on. "Besides, both of us have been there."

"Don't tell her that!" James furrowed his eyebrows. James was much less open than Eartha. He didn't get right to the point. He emphatically sighed as he looked to me. "We're sorry, Rose."

"No, it's perfectly fine. I figured as much. Marlon was always one to... explore." I rolled my eyes. Being married to Marlon was becoming more and more of a burden on me everyday. I went from being a little journalist to the laughing stock of the Hollywood elite.

I could only imagine the amount of men and women Marlon was entertaining that week.

"And tell me, my love, does he still explore now?" Eartha leaned in. James took a cigarette out of his pocket and placed it in his mouth. Of course I knew confirming everyone's suspicion's about Marlon's liaisons would upset him. But I didn't care. I took a deep breath, then nodded yes. "Unacceptable!" Eartha exclaimed.

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