Chapter 25

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Marlon unlocked the front door to his apartment. I walked in behind him, feeling relaxed as I removed my white gloves from my hand. Marlon turned to me and began to slide my blazer down my shoulders.

"I've got it." I told him, removing the blazer myself. Marlon turned away and began walking elsewhere. "I'm going to pack my things and head over to my place."

"I wouldn't do that." Marlon stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"And why not? You said after that conference I was free to go home." I draped my blazer over my bent arm and held my gloves in my hand.

"Well, you see, if you walk out of here moving all of your things to your apartment... people will surely see." Marlon turned toward me.

"Alright then... I'll do it tonight." I said nonchalantly as I opened my purse and began placing my gloves inside.

"Well—" Marlon outstretched his hand toward me as if he was telling me to freeze. I paused, looking across the room toward him. He stepped toward me. "Tony made some last minute plans for us to go on a honeymoon."

"A honeymoon?" I had no time for a honeymoon. I couldn't stay cooped up in Marlon's world any longer. I wanted to return home to my beautiful brownstone.

"Yeah, like a real couple." Marlon smiled as he placed his hands in his pockets again.

"Many 'real couples' don't go on honeymoons at all." I told Marlon as I snapped my purse shut. "Why don't you tell him that?"

I tried to walk around Marlon towards the bedroom but he clasped his hands on my shoulders. He slid his hands down and wrapped them around the circumstance of my arms. "Don't you think I woulda' already suggested that? Come on, Rose."

"What is the deal?" I placed a hand on my hip. "Every time I think I can take some time for myself, thehe studio comes up with something else to keep me in this act!"

"It's just as much an act for me as it is for you." Marlon furrowed his eyebrows and touched his chest. I tensed, remembering that Marlon's care for this marriage was make believe.

"That's your job!" I motioned toward him. Marlon clenched his jaw and clasped his hands behind his back.

"Rose." He said calmly.

"Don't Rose me—" I snapped back.

"Rose!" Marlon placed his hands on my shoulders. "One weekend, that's all I ask."

As I looked into his brown eyes it was hard to say no. The way his lips pouted could drive any girl wild. I wanted to shout and scream and insist things go my way. But Brando had a hypnotic power over me. Somehow, he got me to agree to his plans.

"Fine." I mumbled in the most stubborn way possible. "I'll run off with you."

"Great. Two friends of mine have a house up in Bedford. I was wondering if you'd mind going there." Marlon rubbed his hands together.

"Friends of yours?" I asked in disbelief while sitting on his couch. "Would we be staying with them?"

"Sure, but we can keep up the act." Marlon shrugged. I looked down at my lap, feeling that this was all a bad idea. He joined me on the couch and took my hand. "Hey, what better way to make a marriage seem legitimate than first hand accounts about it?"

"Is that necessary?" I asked as I looked to Marlon. He pouted his pink lips. Sometimes I wondered if Marlon's concern about me was fake too. Did he truly pity me in this situation, or was he acting with me too?

"Why not be extra careful? Might as well make use out of this honeymoon." Marlon shrugged. Make use of it. He spoke about this marriage as if it were a disposable object that he might as well use. It hurt when he spoke like that.

"I need to go home and pack." I told him. "I barely have clothing."

"I'll buy you new clothing." Marlon suggested. He didn't get it. I needed a moment alone to clear my mind. Too much was happening all at once, sometimes it felt like I was drowning in showbiz.

"I don't want a thing more from you." I touched his leg then stood up. "I'm just going to take a cab home and grab my things."

"Well let me go with you." He jumped up from his seat. I looked at him tensely, finally he seemed to get the message. "I can stay in the car, Rose. But if anyone catches you looking like you're living on you're own, it's over."

And so we walked downstairs, hauled a cab and went to my place. Marlon sat in the cab patiently. I looked up at my home as I opened the black Edwardian gate. After opening the hefty front door, I took a moment to appreciate all that was around me. The home I worked so hard for.

After walking up to the third floor and I began packing my clothes. I was sure to take my time, this would be the only moment I would have to myself. Slowly, I sorted through my wardrobe.

When I opened my underwear drawer, I looked at it blanky. On one side I had reasonable underwear, on the other I had lacy negligée. I touched the sheer lingerie. Did it make any sense to pack such a thing?

After a moment of debating, I talked myself into packing it. Sure, we weren't having sex, but that didn't mean I couldn't feel good about myself... right?

I also made sure to pack my home video camera, in case we wanted to take film up in Bedford. As if I had no control over myself, I found my mind drifting off into daydreams about a true honeymoon. Going boating, soaking up sun together, making love. Maybe try things we hadn't done before.

I pushed those thoughts aside and locked my suitcase shut. With both hands I hauled the bulky suitcase off of the bed, then headed out the door. My heart pounded faster after I descended each flight of steps. My mind filled with more thoughts, worrying about how Marlon's friends will react upon meeting me.

After opening the front door, I walked down the pathway of my house. Marlon got out of the cab, standing there as I walked toward him. He stood tall and handsomely, his suit tailored perfectly to fit his large frame. His Italian leather shoes stepped toward me as he took my suitcase from my hand. The cab driver came out with his key and unlocked the trunk for us. Marlon placed the suitcase inside and shut it.

We drove off together, heading North. My head rested against the car window, watching the Hudson River glimmer as we raced past. We entered Westchester, then drove past the many towns. Finally we saw a sign that read:

Welcome To
Bedford Village
We drove among dirt roads, at first all you could see were trees and fields with cattle. Finally we came upon an area with houses. They were large and opulent. Most of them had a country-house style to them.

We finally turned in a house that was pretty far back on the lot. It looked like their piece of land could go on forever. The car began approaching a large mansion with brown bark siding. Stones aligned with the various fireplace chimneys on the side of the house.

Marlon got out of the cab, then he ran around to my side and opened my door for me. The driver removed our luggage from the trunk and set it on the ground. I stood there staring at the house, which was opulent yet humble all at the same time. It took your breath away.

The cab driver extended an open palm toward Marlon. Brando reached around in his pocket, then clenched his jaw as he laid the driver. "That'll be all, thank you."

"Good. I gotta get out of this country before the raccoons come out." The taxi driver looked around and then quickly hopped back in his car. He backed down that driveway as if his life depended on it.

Marlon smiled as he took my hand, walking me up onto the wooden porch of the ranch house.

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