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"Have a nice flight....I'll see you soon" was the last thing Will heard from Mike before he was sent off to Maine. The two boys shared a moment at the airport that of course resulted in Mike letting a few.....well actually several tears slip from his eyes.

Mike even gave Will his favorite blue and grey knitted sweater, which the boy purposely wore so that he can take it off and give it to Will.

The plane ride wasn't as bad as Will thought it would be considering his fear of heights, but thankfully he was just about tired enough to sleep through the full two hours.

Currently Bob and Will were silently unpacking their things while Joyce was out to go furniture shopping.

The house was a three bedroom fairly big and the neighborhood seemed quiet. Will didn't notice much kids around mainly older people and older couples that looked like they had been in their homes for years and raised kids then sent them off to college and now they are settled in these houses. Just great he's in retirement ville

Bob cleared his throat earning Will's attention. "So um how are you feeling about the new house, your room seems to be a pretty good size, yeah?"

Will mentally rolled his eyes and just quietly shrugs.

Bob sighs and ponders on another way to cheer the saddened boy up. "I saw an arcade a few blocks down from here, what do you say we go check it out. I'm sure your mother won't mind"

Will snaps his head up to Bob and furrows his eyebrows. "The last thing I wanna do right now is hang out with you in some stupid crappy arcade" Will picks up one of the box's tossing some of his belongings inside, then storms up to his room shutting the door. The only good thing about this place was locks on every door, Will was surly going to be using his.

Will didn't know what to do with himself. He already missed Mike like crazy and the only form of interaction they could have is talks over the phone and written letters. The whole way to the airport both Mike and Will promised each other that they would write to one another and call everyday.

Speaking of calling. Will was expecting a phone call from Mike about a half hour from now. Yeah maybe it was a little too soon to do that, but they thought it would be a good idea to test it out.

Once the boy packed enough of his stuff away, he rushes down to the house phone located on the kitchen wall.

He opens the fridge pours himself a glass of orange juice then grabs a bag of pretzels before getting himself cozy next to the phone awaiting a call.

Time passes and Will had already been through at least 6 glasses of juice and half of the full family bag of pretzels were gone. The boy began to think he would never receive a call being that it's been whole hour now.

"Will? You're still at that phone?" Joyce comes strolling into the kitchen.

Will pouts and nods his head. "Mike said he would call.....it's been forever"

"He probably just got caught up in something, I'm sure he'll call. Come eat dinner though, you haven't had a bite to eat since the flight"

Will looks at the phone and sighs. "I'll have dinner in just a minute" he quietly says before resting his back against the wall while looking longingly at the house phone praying and wishing for it to ring. It never did.

As the week went on Will would wait in the kitchen for a long while for the phone to ring. He worried why Mike wouldn't call he was starting to grow anxious impatient, angry with Mike.....until a letter came in the mail just for him. Joyce Called Will down from his room to pick up the mail issued to him.

The boy snatched the letter from his mother and quickly rushes the envelope up to his bedroom closing in and locking the door behind him.

Will smiles brightly at the front of the letter reading out the pen writing where it printed
from: Mike and a smiley face drawn next to it.

It was sealed closed with a heart sticker causing Will to smile even wider at the cute touch Mike added. His heart was thumping in his chest.

He slowing and gradually unfolds the slightly wrinkled sheet of paper seeing a large paragraph written out just for him. The brunette takes the letter over to his bed laying down on his back getting himself cozy.

Then he begins to loose his mind in the words imagining that it was Mike talking instead of his mind.

Dear Will,
Day 1 without the best boy I know :)
I wanna start off this letter by stating the obvious and saying how much I miss you, it truly isn't the same in Hawkins without you. Also I'm really sorry for not calling, I wanted to but there was a weird power outage in the neighborhood. Right now as I'm writing this, Max is curled up in a ball next to me with one of your old sweaters that you left at my house once....as you can see she misses you too (but I miss you more just so ya know) anyways....I plan to keep my promise and write to you every.single.day. Just so you don't feel like you missed anything when your cute face comes back. I'm gonna write you everything that happens here. I'll even tell you when it rains. Ok that one was a joke haha, but if you do care to hear the weather in Hawkins it'll all be written just for you. If you have the time write to me about Maine I'd love to hear about it.

Mike W̶h̶e̶e̶l̶e̶r̶ Byers :)

Will smiles at the ending of the paragraph and can feel his cheeks burning up with lust. The bashful boy flutters his eyes closed still keeping the plastered smile on his lips while bringing the letter close to his chest almost as if he was trying to hug it.

Will wanted to get started on his letter to Mike right away, but of course no envelopes were available in his house. So with the thought of exactly what he wanted to write the eager boy jumps out of bed grabbing his converse tying the laces with speed and sprinting down the steps.

"Bye mom! Envelopes. Need em" Will yells to his mom who was busy laughing at some shitty sitcom on the living room couch with Bob.

The boy hops on his bike in search for maybe a store that might sell some envelopes and stamps. Will stops in front of a small convenience store dropping his bike down in front of it.

"Envelopes....where can I find the envelopes" Will whispers to himself while searching around.

While looking down the aisles Will suddenly  feels a slight push on his back causing him to whip his head around and be faced with a boy almost the same height as him if not shorter, Carmel brown hair, the biggest brown eyes almost like Disney princess eyes that had long curly eyelashes attached to them and a Galaxy of brown freckles over the top of his nose.

"S-sorry" the boy frantically picks up his medication bottle that landed by Will's feet when he had accidentally bumped into him. As soon as he snatches the pills back up he was off in a flash.

Will furrowed his brows and shrugged, continuing to look for the envelopes.

"Ah here they are" He stops in the next aisle crouching down to pick up the cheapest box along with some stamps. Will then rings up the items gets back on his bike and heads home.

Once Will got back Bob and Joyce seemed to have already found their way up stairs to their bedroom. If Will was being honest he felt ignored by the two, he never talked to his mother the way he use to. Will couldn't put all the blame on them though, he took part in the reason why his mother gave up on talking to him being that Will has been shutting her out ever since they moved to Maine. He regrets that.

Colored pencils, crayons a regular pencil even a pen Will had spread out on his desk. He pulled out his wooden desk chair taking a comfortable seat in it then picks up a pen starting off his letter

Dear Mikey....
I might do a double update since this was pretty short.

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