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The sunlight hit him perfectly. Mikes skin glistened in the morning sun and the freckles upon his pale skin looked so prominent across is cheeks and button nose. The clock on Mikes bedside table reads 10:09 AM and since 8 AM this morning Will had been admiring the sleeping boy beside him. Maybe it was a little strange to be gawking at your best friend in their very own bedroom so early in the morning, but the brunette couldn't help it, he looked heavenly. Just as Will was getting ready to take another glance he begins to shift around in his sleep his tired eyes beginning to open. He rubbed the remainders of sleep from his eyes,then sleepy grin forms on Mikes lips once he meets eyes with the boy beside him who had been up all along.

"How did you sleep" Mike says stretching his stiffened limbs out, and a raspy present in his voice that Will could listen to for hours on end.

"I slept ok. I could have slept better if you didn't hog all the blankets, I was freezing you know" Will crossed his arms. Of course he wasn't actually mad, but just teasing Mike for the fun of it.

"What! I did no such thing. you have blankets around you right now, don't you? Mike huffed along with a smirk.

Will then grabs up the blanket; a confidnet smile on his small face. He wraps himself up into a blanket burrito then throws himself back against the pillows with his entire body in the soft material leaving Mike with nothing. "This, this is exactly what you looked like last night while I was basically turing into an ice cube" Will chuckles underneath all the heavy linens.

Mike laughs and face palms himself. "Sorry, I get cold at night" Mike shrugs eyeing Will through the small hole the boy had made for his face through all the blankets. "But that blanket cave thing you have going on does look real comftorable......I want in!" Before Will could even speak against this, Mike was crawling his way under the sheets to get in next to Will. Nothing but giggles were being heard from the two boys. "Mikey stop there's no room" Will laughed shifting and squirming around furiously. Soon the raven haired boys head pops up from the open hole of the blanket pile.

"What was that about there not being any room" Mike says. In his arrogant triumph, he smirked; a narrowing of the eyes and a tilting of his head.

"Mikey you're on top of me" Will says in a deadpan tone"

"I don't see the problem, and Mikey? You haven't called me that since kindergarten"

"Oh.....I didn't realize I called you that, I was laughing so hard it just slipped out...." Will's
face turned into a embarrassing reddish hue.

Will thought for sure Mike would think we was weird for bringing that old nickname out of the dark, but instead he says. "Call me that more often, I like it when you call me Mikey. The dark haired boy gives him a cheeky grin then out of exhaustion from wrestling in the sheets just a few moments ago, Mike rests his chin on Will's shoulder then slightly tilting his head to nuzzle into the crook of his neck with a yawn. Wills heart was pounding and Mike was afraid he could hear it.

"You're heart" Mike sniffled out a quiet laugh. "It's beating so fast." For no particular reason he begins to count the heart beats aloud. "one, two, three, four....." He whispers and his eyes flutter close like wings on a butterfly.

Will swore that Mikes voice was the most angelic sound out there, it could put anyone to sleep, it could cure insomnia.

He could feel his own eyes starting to get heavy each time that he blinked, but Mike Wheeler of all people was on top of him; their legs tangled together and this unbelievably soft blanket wrapped around both of them, he just couldn't give up such a blessed moment by sleeping through it.

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