Chapter 19 - The End

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The crowd stands to their feet, screaming their heads off. Fangirls jumping up and down with their friends as Jungkook smiled in triumph. Assistants where to give Jungkook is king-like crown and giant trophy. Your heart sank into the bottom. You wanted to tell everyone that they were just wrong if they knew what you knew.

They then went over to Seokjin just to get him a prince crown and a medium sized trophy. He hung his head but still kept his tears and sadness in his mind. Then annoucer gave Jungkook the mic as the rest of the contestants exit the stage including Jin.

"(Name)! Did you see?! I can't believe Jin actually lost to your brother! He must be very sad right now." Your father reported, "aren't you coming to console him??"

"Tell Seokjin to not cry. It's not over yet." You told him. He looked at your confused, scratching his grey hairs.

"What are you saying? What are you talking about??"

"Just wait." You winked, looking behind you was were the audio and video was being played where Namjoon nodded to you.

"I just want to thank the judges for taking time out of their busy schedule to judge this event. I want to thank my manager, my mom and dad for everything they taught me about showsmanship and respecting my elders." Jungkook smiled, lying through his teeth, "I have worked very hard for this, and really appreciate wha--"

The screen behind Jungkook turned off for national second, making everyone sit in there seats confused. Jungkook and the annoucer stand there, baffled at the mic suddenly not working.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, sorry to interrupt this lovely program, but we have a special presentation! So please remain seated judges and keep your judging caps on." Namjoons's voice projected throughout the theater. Then screen turns back on, this time it shows Jin walking into an alley, obviously lost.

In comes Jungkook with a black hoodie starts attacking Jin brutally. The crowd loudly reacts with gasps and whispering to their neighbors. At the end of the video, Jin's mother comes in with her phone and calls the police. When police arrive, she quickly gets Jungkook and fleas the scene.

"I-I can explain!" Jungkook throws away the silent mic and hollers but then another video plays. It was back in the cafe, where him and Mrs. Kim basically exposed their whole entire plan.

"Manager? So you are trying to ruin Jin!" You accused, "Jeon Jungkook I don't know what to say to you! Jin did nothing to you and you're doing all of this!"

"Now Jeon (Name), you started it by being affiliated with the likes of him. I'll admit I've had the longest crush on you, even as my sister, but I am hurt that you're with other guys." Jungkook confessed, "that's why I called Yoongi to do the dirty work so you could break up with him. Now since I'm on the same level as him, it's like a 2 for 1 sale! Break Jin and win your heart."

And that was the end. Jungkook and the annoucer stood there, speechless. The crowd was clearly overwhelmed with such shocking news that they soon boo him away from the stage. The security guards hurried and captured both him and his manager before they could even escape. The annoucer snatched the crown from the younger male's head, which he was not having it.

"No! Give it back! Right now!" He cried, trying to fight the guards off of him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am as shocked by this as you are right now! You should be ashamed for your actions young man!" The host points as Jungkook, "so, it has given me great pleasure that the new NUMBER champion is KIM SEOKJIN!"

"YES!!" You cheered, running towards the backstage to see Jin. Your parents hugged each other, rejoicing at the exciting news. Jin's jaw dropped, pointing at you.

"Did you?"

"No matter! Go get your crown!" You pushed him onto the stage. The crowd them cheers and applause for Jin's successful win. Having the smaller crown replaced by a bigger one was truly assurance for him. After all these years of being told what to be and what to do, paid off and dome. With his mother away, probably in prison, he had his own choice.

He didn't have anything to say. His tears of relief and happiness said almost everything. Seeing him this way, really made you happy. Even though he can be full of it, that's just why you like him. You couldn't help it but stare at his smile with watery eyes, hair weighed down by the king crown.

"Even without the crown, he's still handsome." You thought.


"Congratulations." You said to him. You're now at you're apartment, after endless partying at a Chinese buffet that was your parents' treat. You were so full and overwhelmed with all the excited and celebration you had with them. Even Namjoon was there because it couldn't be any possible without him.

"Thanks. I, uh, that really caught my off guard." Jin laughed, "those videos. Kinda felt weird for you know. Having everyone see what happened to me back there."

"Well at least you have your justice." You pointed out, "so what do you plan on doing now Mr. Worldide Handsome." The both of you laugh at the name.

"Worldwide?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. I mean, it's only nationals but who cares." You scoff, "it really does suit you. Although, I like your black hair better."

"Yeah, but the blonde hair has quiet grown on me. Maybe I can finally just live a normal life." Jin sighed, "no diets, no repeative nagging. See what the real world is like out there. Get a job, pays bills, maybe Uber might be a good job."

"Yeah no." You shake your head, "you work not survive." You sat next to him on your bed, looking out the window. Now what? Repeat what you said in the dressing room? Making yourself look like a fool again? After eating some food, you might not sound so stupid like before. You opened you mouth but then he says something.

"I love you too."

"Wait, what?"

"I like how you got involved. If it weren't for you, I would never get away from my mother." He blurts, "you laugh at me jokes, you give me compliments and honest ones. Even though you are a food hog, and a blanket hog, and say the most silliest things, I love you too."

"Y-you, wait a second! Food hog?! You're one to talk!!" You fussed, "geez."

"Oh yeah? Explain what you had for food at the buffet!" Jin folded his arms.

"Chinese food!" You loudly answered. The both of you fussed back and forth, not making sense every time. That seemed to be a popular thing to do really. Finally the both of you know about your feelings, and yet everything doesn't change. This man makes you feel like none other guy has. To think that a job could give you more than just a headache and a paycheck.

Your faces get closer by the second, heart beating with impatience. Should you? Should he? The both of you sit there awkwardly. Last time you were this close, he was beat up pretty badly afterwards. But now that could never happen for a long time. So then why are you pretending to not know what to do?

"What are you waiting for?" You asked him teasingly. Seokjin furrowed his eyebrows, wandering what's in your mind. You didn't want to ruin the moment with some stupid saying so you turned your nervousness to sassieness

"I am giving you permission to touch these lips."

Thank you for reading/voting on this work! For some reason my stories are just longer than I thought they would be so sorry for that. But thank you for sticking around for the ride!!!

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