Chapter Two - Accepted

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You woke up in your full size bed, a little buzz went off on your phone. That must be your alarm clock. You shut the loud noisemaker off and rose out of bed lazily. Time for some sandwich making and car driving today. If only you were accepted into the job. You took a shower and got your self washed and clean for the new day.

Once you dried off and took care of lotion and deodorant, you get dressed in your Subway uniform which is just black shoes, black pants and a Subway shirt with green streakes across the chest. As you were on your way to the door, grabbing your purse and work hat, your phone goes off to a call.

"Who's calling me at this time?" You asked yourself. It's just 11:30am, and you start you lunch shirt at 12. You picked out your phone to see the caller ID.

Jungkook Jeon

"Oh god." You rolled your eyes, really no willing nor ready to talk to tour younger brother. Your mother probably told him that you would show to his events. You ignored his call, walking out the door to your car only for your phone to buzz once again to your brother's persistent calling.

"Hello?" You finally answered once you got inside your car.

"Hi (Name). I heard that you're going to be there for my pageant!" Jungkook cheered, "I'm so excited! I'm always excited for every competition! And everyone's going to be there including you!"

"Yeah, that's great." You said, trying to sound as excited as him but failed.

"You know, we haven't talked in a while big sis. Especially when you've moved out of our parents' and just you're own place. Maybe I should visit..." Jungkook ponderd on the other end of the line.

"Oh, there's no need to do that." You assured him, "I will already see you at your things. But listen Jungkook, I-"

"You're not trying to cut me off again are you?" Jungkook guessed, "you need to talk to your brother longer you know? I'm getting pretty lonesome without you in the house." And he goes on and on about your childhood with the both of you. At this point he's just going to keep talking so you so you just started to car and begin to drive off to your job.

Usually, you like to drive with the radio on and cruise. Even if you were going to simplest way. But listening to your brother's talking throughout the trip reminded you the reason why you don't ever call or talk to him. You have nothing against the guy, you love him as a brother. It's just that he's as spoiled as all gets out.

"I know, I know. But look Jungkook, I am on my way to work so I will call you back okay?" You asked for permission to hang up the call, but he couldn't hear you over himself talking about previous pageants he's done and the fellow contestants. You simply just hung up, knowing that he'll still keep talking like your still on the line.

You got out of the car and was greeted by fellow co-workers, smoking outside of the store in the parking lot. You stepped in the store and was greeted more by your other co-workers preparing everything before customers come in.

"You look tired." Kris commented, "the day didn't even start yet."

"Jungkook. And my mom." You said bluntly, "Mom stole some money from me and now my brother thinks it was a donation." Kris chuckles at the triedness shown on your face after the short explanation. Only Kris and Kai knows about your problems with your family since they've met them before.

The female co-workers are familiar with the men's handsome face contest or whatever it's called. They talk about the winners every year and hoe dreamy they look. If Jungkook ever does make it big time, you would be hearing more about him most of the day. And they don't know that he's your brother yet.

"Kai, tell those smokers to get inside and wash up!" Kris yells, "and this is the final time that I'm warning them." The other male goes outside to round up the rotten smelling misfits. Time to get to sandwich making. Subway isn't the best job of the world, but it was close to your home and a lot more healthier than McDonald's.

Two hours in working, you actually enjoyed working and tried working as many hours as you can. As long as it's not talking to your brother then, it's something you rather take your time with. Even when you are dealing with picky and loud customers.

"Welcome to Subway!" You called to the customers that just walked in. A young looking man walks over to the bar and a business woman sits down with the men with sunglasses and tux. It looked like they were his subtle body guards are something.

"Uh, hello?" The black-haired customer waves his hand in front of you, "all attention to my handsome faceface please." You turn your head to him, and smiled.

"My apologies sir, what can I eat you?" You smiled.

"It's okay. I get that a lot, intimidating guards for my handsome figure." H sighed dramatically, "but anyway, let me get a footlong, white bread with turkey." You widened your eyes at his first comment which you fetched his bread and laying the slices of turkey on one side.

You continued to build his sandwich the way he wants it. You try your best to keep up with his list, but whenever the proportions were too small for him, he will tell you with an attitude.

The different toppings he wanted, even the bread is getting weak. He might as well just get every topping in the store. He does know that you have to fold the sandwhich with all this stuff in, right?

"Are you sure you need this long sandwich? Don't want to ruin your figure." You warned him.

"Are you saying that I'm fat?" He raised an eyebrow at you, "honestly, I'm sure that you shouldn't be talking."

"No sir, I was just saying that you really like having big proportions on your sandwich." You tried to explain, "and don't take that personally or anything--"

"Don't you dare talk to me like I'm one of you!" He snapped his fingers, "you don't know who you're talking to! Disrespecting me on such a manner!" The princess on the buttoned up white shirt and black pants went on until the man in the tux came to save the day.

"Mr. Kim, we have to go now. Let me pay for it so we can get out of here now." The body guard assured him then went to you, "Ma'am I am so sorry about that. He's been busy for the past week, we thought getting him a sandwich would keep him calm." He handed you the required cash, "keep the change."

The trio went out of the store with the stressed man. A sigh of relief drew from your lips, pop your eyebrows up after their exit.

"You think he was a celebrity?" Kai guessed.

"Can't imagine." You talked under your breath. You thought that you were just about done with the day until the manager came stomping into the room from her office.

"(Name)! Did you just angered that customer?!" She exclaimed.

"Not really. All he did was anger himself. But don't worry, everything is all taken care of." You told her, "now I have to take care of the rest of the customers."

"You're fired!" She yelled, "your last paycheck will be written right away!" You dropped your jaw, looking back at Kai. He could believe it either. Kris came out of the bathroom and was confused at the situation.

"Wait, why am I fired?! We get customers like him all the time! So what's the difference with him!" You claimed, "and besides, there are employees here that were smoking earlier, I can still smell them from here but I get fired?!"

The manager came back and handed your your final paycheck of only $18 for the three days.

"Eighteen dollars?! Nah, I should've gotten paid more, why am I bright treated like this?!" You questioned, only to be ignored.

"Turn in your shirt and hat." She commanded, turning back to her office. You sighed woth stress, now you have no job period and no way to make money.

"Damn. What are you going to do now?" Kai asked, feeling bad about the injustice that happen before his eyes. Your phone buzzed as you check on it.

"Well. Guess I'm driving people around." You showed him, "I just became from Subway sandwich maker to a Uber driver."

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