Chapter 7 - Sympathy

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"Thanks Babe." Yoongi thanked unemotionally as he hopped into the car. You didn't say anything but drove the car to the fast food joint that was a couple of miles way in the direction you need to go to another client. You can feel Yoongi's gaze on you over and over, but you ignored him.

You thought to yourself how you knew you should've left him there until he realizes how stupid he is without you. But he's here now, but instead of ranting angrily like before, he sits there quietly and looks at you for eye contact.

"Look, I'm sorry about my tone yesterday. I was selfish and only caring about myself." He apologizes, "I just hate being in that jail all the time."

"Then why the hell would you keep doing this Yoongi?" You asked him in frustration, "you think you had it bad? I had to have a fight with my mother and almost gotten myself killed!" You drove up to the speaker and ordered food for the both of you. You don't mention Seokjin, only because he gets easily jealous even with the thought of you with another man while he was away.

"(Name), I know what happened with you and mom. She called my cell last night." Yoongi admitted, making your eyes wide at the statement.

"She what?"

"She only wanted to tell me to tell you that she is awfully sorry about last night, she had no idea that you felt that wat about Jungkook at all." Yoongi apologized in a tone Mom would speak in.

"She's only saying that because I didn't show up for the party. But when it comes to Jungkook, she would be on her knees." You mumbled, getting the food from the drive thru window, "now here, this would keep you behave while I'm at work."

"Work?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. I just got a new job as a bartender and an UBER driver, the job I had to get after I got fired from Subway." You told him, "now what I need you to do is to stay seated and don't talk to anyone."

"Why can't you just drop me off at the apartment?" Yoongi groaned.

"Because we are fifteen miles away from the apartment where I could pick up and drop off clients for more money. Now please don't talk or start a fight with the clients, okay?" You begged of him, "and this after, we are going home as promised." His eyebrows crumpled up and was about to say something but automatically dropped it and went back to his food.

He could tell that you were not in the mood to deal with whatever trouble he's bringing. Suddenly, he felt bad about having you paying for his bail all the time.

"Namjoon's mom has a coffee shop three miles from where we live." He mumbled, "and she's looking for a waitress and is willing to pay eleven dollars an hour." You looked at him, actually believing that he's trying to help you out.

"Namjoon didn't tell me about his mom looking for a new employee." You gasped.

"He recently told me and wanted me to tell you." Yoongi yawns, "but yeah. You only have to work from 9 to 5 and five days a week. I can imagine it would be a lot more enjoyable than driving people around like a taxi." You rolled your eyes, but still kept what he said in your mind.

Namjoon's mom is a very nice lady who raised a very nice son. You can imagine what it's like working for such a decent woman. Maybe you should take the job and work as an UBER? Just be a late night driver?

But you have to stay focused on driving for now and think about get another job later. So you had to spend over nearly an hour picking clients up and dropping them off to where they need to be. It wasn't the most enjoyable thing since some of them had to pick on Yoongi, but they got out at the end so that's all that matters.

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