Chapter 11 - Confront

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You woke up by yourself in your bed to the savory smell of food cooking in the kitchen. The smoke alarm wasn't going off so must mean that everything wasn't up in flames, but that smell wouldn't let you rest. It was only 7am and you didn't need to go to Uber until 10.

Walking in the hallway, you quickly found the bathroom shower a bit warmer than the rest of the apartment. The shower looks like is was beads of water inside.

"Guess he made himself at home." You shrugged your shoulders. You went in the living room, to find Jin was not on the couch anymore. In fact, there he was in the kitchen in front of the stove where the smell was coming from. The grey shirt wasn't covering him anymore, letting his broad shoulders show. He still has his plaid pants on that are long to his feet.

Your jaw dropped at the numerous of fresh dishes on the table. From fresh cut fruit to the waffles the the other end. You were so distracted by what was going on that you didn't notice his look at you or his smirk.

"Well Good Morning." He greeted, reminding you that you're not hiding and that he noticed you.

"Good Morning. Did you do all this?" You gasped.

"I have chefs that cook for the family and I, but I like it more when I do it myself. Go on and eat up." He smiled. You nodded, sitting at the table with the food posing on front of you. Not even Yoongi coons this much for the both of you. Mostly because there's only the two of you in the apartment.

"Y-You didn't have to do all this you know?" You told him, "I mean, this is very generous of you."

"You let me stay a night here, I felt bad not doing anything in return." He blushed, "go on and eat your before you're late for work." This was also a weird thing to you. Someone making you extravagant breakfast and doesn't want you late for work. It was like having a stay at home wife. Or husband.

Ever since yesterday, Jin has been unexpectedly greatful towards you and your hospitality. It wasn't was you thought he would be, taking advantage of you and still being the dramatic character he is. Maybe that was just a cover. A mask he wore to hide his actual feelings?

"Do you enjoy being in these pageants?" You asked him, "nationals are around the corner, right?" Seokjin paused what he was doing and thought to himself. He nervously sighed before giving a thought out loud, "I guess I never thought of that."

Your eyes and ears are for him. This guy was just your Uber cilent until you took him in. Maybe in his mind it began lot sooner, but now, he's a friend.

"I'm used to being busy and my parents always speaking for me that I just, let everything happen." Seokjin thought out loud to himself.

"I guess. But this is a different side of you though. You're not as boastful about your looks as before." You pointed out, "now you're just like, being yourself."

"Saying how handsome I am is apart of being me, no argue about that. You just so happen to make a very good point. You see, when you're busy you don't think about some stuff at all." He explains with uncertainty, "but my mom did call about me early in the morning."

Early in the morning? She couldn't have called her own son as soon as he disappeared? What kind of a mother isn't that concerned for her own son? She should've at least called some other time last night when he just ran.

"Does she want you back?" You looked up at him, while feasting on your food. He didn't say anything. Jin simply stratched the back of his head and continued eating. She does. The way that she looked at him in the car that day that looked like she was pressing her authority in a subtle way.

There's no doubt about it. He let's her force him to do beauty pageants just so he can get her approval for once. Now he's a grown man who can think for himself, but still listens to his mother. You want to tell me to defend for himself, but that is entirely on whether he actually wants to do it.

"You know, if you really want her to understand, just say  what you want to say." You shrug your shoulders, "you're an adult now. You can make decisions and--"

"It's not that easy!" Jin blurted. He jumped for a second, realizing that his voice was a bit too loud then stuffed his mouth before speaking again.

"I never went outside her word. If I did, she would be very upset with me." Jin mumbled with his face towards his food, "no matter what happens to me, she wouldn't care."

"Then make her care. If you stand up for yourself, she'll see that she's nothing without you." You tried to encourage him, "if you want to be something else, then do it and I'll be behind you if you need me." Yes, you threw yourself in there. Maybe you got too passionate? Too involved with him? Maybe.

His surprised look was the same as what you were feeling on the inside. To think that you was his Uber driver first then next thing you know you're becoming more into his life. Not even Jungkook was like this and you didn't care. Why did you want to be different with Seokjin?

Whatever that was, Seokjin didn't know what or how to handle it. He finished his food before rising from his seat and picking up his phone.

"Uh, do you have any extra clothes?" He asked you. You nodded, going back to your closet to hunt for a large white T-shirt with causal jeans along with a white cap to cover his head from crazy fans. You gave him the clothes, and he heads for the couch to change. You still wanted to have the conversation going. You want to know what he's going to do for some reason. A beauty king, known for his good looks is the concern of a Uber driver?

"So you're going back?" You asked.

"Just to talk to her." He replied bluntly. It was obvious he didn't want to talk about it anymore and we getting quite uncomfortable suddenly. You accepted his decision, though you knew that he'll end up back around her finger.

"I'm just saying. You can have a life of your own. Have friends, your own place, even have a girlfrienof your choice." You added, "everything that you never had." Seokjin kept dressing himself as if you said nothing. He rushed to put on his shirt and pants that his shirt was inside out. And backwards.

He grabbed his phone and ready to go out. You wanted to stop him, see what he's going to do now. But you know that it might makes things worse if you dog deeper into this situation.

"Jin....." You met his eyes at the door. You stood there face to face with the door open as he gets ready to bolt out. Your hands holding his wrist, making him halt at the threshold. His dark brown eyes made a connection with your (color) eyes.

"(Name)....." He drifted off. You went into your thoughts, but without you knowing, your eyes slowly dropped to his curved lips. Seokjin slowly leans over towards you, hesitantly trying to get to your level. It wasn't until you snapped out of your thoughts and realized what was going on. When you woke up, so did he and clammed up.

"I have to go." He rushed down the stairs, texting on his phone. You tried to chase after him until you caught yourself still in your pajamas. You went to your bedroom real quick to change into a red shirt and black pants with some sandals and took your keys since you were going to Uber anyway.

But by the time you finished and was out the door, he was gone. There's no way he could've gotten away that fast even if he was running. You heavily sighed in defeat, going to your car and checking the time on our phone.

It's almost an hour left until you have to go to work but you didn't mind going early. Driving around trying to look for a handsome man might take forever. You just hope that you'll see him again before he gets in trouble. Again.

But now you can't think straight anymore. At work, you kept thinking every black-haired male was Jin. But what distracted you the most was what happened before he left.

Was it an attempt kiss?

A whisper maybe?

Whatever it was, now has you feeling types of emotions.

The Beauty King's Uber |K.S.J|Where stories live. Discover now