Chapter 10 - Wars

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"Hey babe." Yoongi walked in as you opened the door for him. His black cap on low, not allowing you to see his eyes. You closed the door while following him to the kitchen with arms folded. He goes to the refrigerator to grab the last bottle of beer before ploppong himself onto the couch.

"What's with that look?" He asked, "no kiss or anything?" You could only give him a cold stare, not saying a single word to answer him. He brushes it off, pretending that he's the peaceful one and drinks his drink quietly. The moment of silence with a serious tone kicks in as you stare at him, avoiding your gaze.

Yoongi has a low patience with anything that he feels uncomfortable with. And you can tell by the way he's breathing out so heavily means that he's almost going to crack. Even if he doesn't confess on the spot, you'll have to interrogate it out of it.

He slams the glass bottle onto the table furiously, finely standing the bottle up.

"What is it damnit??" He yells at you, throwing his hat across the room.

"What happened to my client?" You asked him with a straight face, "Kim Seokjin." He then meets eyes with you and scoffs, "what are you talking about? Look, babe, I'm tired and I just want to spend this night with yo--"

"Jungkook told me what happened. He literally called me and told me that he hired you to beat up Seokjin!" You confronted, "and Namjoon was just here and confirmed it! You know that man can keep a secret, but can't tell a lie!"

Yoongi jumps up, starts pacing back and forth in the room. He probably was under the impression that Jungkook wouldn't tell you. Your brother wouldn't say anything if it didn't make him feel better about himself.

"What the hell did he tell you for you to be that stupid?!" You started to yell at him, "Seokjin knows that you're with me! If he thinks that I'm apart of it, I could be in trouble!" Though Seokjin can hear you from the other room, you started to act as if he's filing a lawsuit or something just to get Yoongi to think.

"And you would be useless without me!" You added.

"Without you?! What are you talking about? I'm the one who's trying to keep everything stable while you're looking at other guys." Yoongi smirks, "you think I didn't know how you look at Namjoon? Or that pretty boy?"

"What?! Is that what Jungkook's been filling your head with? Wow, Yoongi. I thought you would know better." You rolled your eyes.

"I'm the one that has to do all the hard things here babe." Yoongi comments.

"I'm the one that pays bills to everything! I'm the one who pays groceries! And when my mom took my money, you couldn't be anything about it because you were in that tiny cell!" You lashed out, "so don't you think you know anything about stability around here!"

"Why do you even care about him anyway? He's just a client." Yoongi picked up his beer and has some of it, "he doesn't even know you, you don't know him. Just a self-loving spoiled brat like your brother!"

"Because he is a client and he's more better than Jungkook! You still had no right to beat up on him!" You walked up to him, "and as the person that pays the bills to his apartment, I will ask you to leave." Yoongi stands there, staring at you dead in the face. You stood there firm, not even a single flinch. This was the first time you stood up to your boyfriend and it felt like standing against a fire. He sucked his teeth before stomping outside and you leading him to the door.

"I will have your stuff out first thing in the morning." You said. Your now ex turns around with a shocked face. His eyes widened and jaw dropped.

"Babe, I have no where to go!" He extended his arms.

"Not my problem. By the way, we're done!" You slammed the door in his face before hearing the sound of his beer bottle crashing into the ground due to his explosive temper. Walking back to the bedroom, you opened the door to let Jin know that it's safe.

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