ᴀ ᴍɪɴᴜᴛᴇ ᴛᴏᴏ ʟᴀᴛᴇ

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Haechan gasped as he fell to the ground and the person who shoved the knife into his stomach spun on his heels and dashed out of the alleyway. Haechan let out a cry of agony as he wrapped his fingers around the handle of the knife. The blood pouring out seemed as if it was not going to be stopping for a while, and Haechan couldn't breathe properly.

He strengthened his grip on the knife and pulled it out, letting out a loud sob and then threw the knife across the floor. The night sky made it hard for Haechan to see the things around him, but he was able to find his phone and switch it on. The crack on the screen that it got when Haechan dropped it on the floor resulted in some pieces of glass to end up around him.

The light from Haechan's phone helped him see what was around him, as he dialed in the number for an emergency service. The blood that was coming out of the large cut wound in his stomach created a massive pool around him, soaking his clothes with the substance.

After a few moments of ringing, the emergency service finally picked up as asked what was wrong.

"Stabbed... Help... please!" Haechan barely made out, clutching onto his stomach in pain as he felt another beat of wave flow out. The lady over the phone started asking him questions that at that moment, Haechan had no answers to. "I'll share...my location."

Haechan pulled the phone away from his ear and went onto the chat that had just appeared on his phone. He shared his location and then ignored the lady's calls over the phone and ended the call. He then went onto his contacts and scrolled down to the certain person he needed to talk to.

As the phone rung, it went to voicemail and Haechan groaned, not only because of annoyance but because of the pain he felt in his abdomen.

"Is he really sleeping at 12am?!" Haechan yelled, instantly regretting it as the stinging feeling in his stomach worsened and sent him into more pain. "Please...pick up."

"Hello?" A refreshing voice said, sounding as if he had just woken up. "Donghyuck, why did you call so late?"

"Ha..Hey Mark hyung." Haechan said, trying to hide his the clear pain he was feeling in his voice. A smile crept up his face as he heard Mark sit up in his bed and shuffle the sheets. "Sorry for waking you up."

"Uh.. Nah, it's okay." Mark said. Haechan leaned back and put his head on the wall behind him and let out a sigh. "So what's up?"

"I just wanted to say." Haechan cleared his throat and licked his lips, trying to keep his breathing stable. "I love you."

There was silence for a few seconds, and then the call got cut. Haechan pulled his phone away from his ear and raised his eyebrow. He then tapped his number again and waited.


"Donghyuck did you really wake me up at night just to tell me a joke?" Haechan knew that Mark was pissed, since he could hear it through his voice.

"It's not a joke hyung." Haechan replied, breathing into the phone and closing his eyes and he felt the pain spread from his stomach to his throat. "I actually, really love you."

"Haechan I-" Haechan began to cough as blood gathered up in his throat. He spat it out and then took deep breaths. "Hyuck... are you okay?"

"I'm-" A shock of pain went through Haechan's body and he cried out in agony. Mark's eyes widened as he heard this through the phone and immediately sat up in his bed.

"You're not okay, oh my god!" Mark hurried to his wardrobe and took the first sweater he saw, throwing it over his head.

"I'm fine hyung." Haechan replied a few seconds later, his voice quieter than before. Instead of leaning on the wall, he had fallen onto the ground, unable to keep himself up. "Can you do me a favour?"

Mark hummed in agreement and stuffed his feet into his shoes. He grabbed his keys and ran to his car, quickly getting into it and starting it.

"Of course, but first, tell me where you are." Mark said, putting the phone on speaker and buckling his seat belt.

He was obviously going to be worried about Haechan. Mark had been friends with him since they were born, as their parents were friends, and so they bonded quite easily. But ever since Mark had left school to go to college, he barely had any time to meet up with Haechan, or even his parents. The stress from the amount of work he had to do was too much.

"You don't... need to know where I am." Haechan whispered, feeling his eye lid get heavy. "I just want you to tell me..."

"Tell you what Hyuck? Tell you what?!" Mark said, impatiently tapping his steering wheel and feeling tears form sin his eyes. Haechan was silent for a while and Mark panicked. "Hyuck are you there? Hyuck please-"

"Tell me you love me as well."

Mark froze and he stopped shaking. He glanced at the phone and then at his lap. He thought Haechan was joking, like he always was, telling him that he loved him, hugging him, trying to kiss him. He always thought he was just joking. But no. He was serious.

And truth be told, so was Mark. He had fallen head over heels for Haechan by the time they gained consciousness. The way Haechan clapped his hands and opened his mouth wide just to silently laugh. The way Haechan stared at Mark without realising it had been more than a minute. The way Haechan made Mark's heart skip a beat from now and then.

Mark took a deep breath and licked his lips.

"I..." Mark shook his head and then gulped. "I love you too."


Haechan's hand dropped to the floor as he said his last words. The phone he was holding onto slipped from his hand and landed besides his stomach, where it got drowned under a pool of blood. A small noise was heard from it and Haechan assumed it was Mark breathing heavily.

He looked up at the sky and then blinked slowly. Seconds past, and he finally closed his eyes. His breathing slowed down until he let out his final breath. The smile on his face not breaking.

"I...I love you too."

There was a long silence and then Mark spoke up again.

"Haechan? Hyuck? Donghyuck?!"

The panic in his voice increased every time he called Haechan's name. Sirens could be heard coming closer and Mark began to cry into his phone.

"Haechan what-"

"He's dead!" The person who exited the ambulance yelled, rushing to Haechan's side and picking him up. Mark, who had just heard what happened, burst into tears and dropped his head onto the steering wheel. The loud noise that he made when his head his the horn most probably woke up his entire neighborhood, but he could care less at that moment.

All he could think about, was the fact that he was a minute too late.

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