-Wind like Knives-

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They're artificial, for instance. Cold, thin surfaces made of any type of material you can imagine. Well, with the exception of materials like fabric, soil, water, and so on.

But how about knives made of wind?

Oh, you know how wind blows through alleyways and rattled everything and skins whatever things it hit with a tremendous force ( metaphor and exaggeration intended here ).

My blade is such. It's made out of wind and it acts just like how you expect it to be. Swift and fatal. It has slashed through flesh like paper countless times under my command.

Survival of the fittest, as Xing had called it.

Oh, I forgot to mention. My name is Florence, Florence Lysime. You can either call me Flor ( as in Floor ) or Rencie, or of course Florence. But don't call me by my full name, I hate it when you do that.

In the society of Neon District - innocence, curiosity, ignorance, carelessness, and love - would only drag you down.

...Thus, I've changed.


That's what being a criminal does to you. That's what being on the run does to you. That's what being kidnapped more than once, does to you.

Society's a cruel place, eh?

I've taken more lives than I could ever give birth to. Tell me, does that make me a terrible person?

But I was only trying to save my loved ones. They were trying to murder the family I have. I place myself in danger in exchange for their safety. Is that so immoral?

...I guess, it is.

But my beliefs still stand. I follow the primitive rules from before technology; from before society; from before humanity.

Because in some ways, that single rule had lived on till today.

Survival of the fittest.

Congratulations, you've survived this minute. Be prepared for the next. Another congratulations, you've survived the next minute, now brace for the one that comes after.

This cycle repeats until you finally die in cold blood, by someone's hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2019 ⏰

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