-Night's Brutality-

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That night.

That one snowy, winter night...

It tore everything away from me.

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An unusual night it was to snow in Los Angeles. The wind blew against the window panes, rattling it, shaking it violently. The moon hid behind the thick layer of clouds. The fluorescent light of the military base, pale white and cold, shone upon the already snow-covered, unpigmented ground and flickered as if it was winking.

I was studying in the compound with my friend Sarah and my brother Andy. Max was outside, doing his usual training. I've always admired his strength and his personality, and I've always tried to be him. It doesn't always work, or should I say, it doesn't work at all. We were so different that we could hardly be similar. Maybe the only similarity we have is our intelligence, and I doubt that'd count as one anyways. Andy was being a nuisance as always, not focusing on his work. When he tried to poke me in the head for the umpteenth time, I shot him a withering look as I scolded my younger brother.

'Would you focus on your work once for heaven's sake?' I sighed, annoyed. Andy stuck his tongue out at me as he turned away, playing with some bricks absentmindedly. I sighed again in irritation as I turned back to my work as well. Training to be a spy wasn't easy, even with Max and Sarah's help. Sarah, who'd been watching the commotion with a look of disapproval, now leaned over my response to the psychological question.

'This could be said better, Aurelia.' Sarah frowned at me. 'You're much more intelligent than this. Play mind games with your target, don't just respond to him directly.' She pointed at my response. 'Your response is way too straight-forward. Try again, I know you can ace this.' She added with a small smile.

I twirled my pencil between my fingers, trying to find a different solution to the problem. Which way would work? I tried to think of a mind game, one that would keep my target from thinking miles away from what I'd hide from him or to keep him circling around the secret unable to get in.

For some reason, I can't concentrate. There's this heavy rock in my stomach that I couldn't get rid of. Looking around, I noticed that Sarah was a little bit put off as well. She played with the hem of her shirt nervously and her foot was tapping against the concrete floor, not to mention the strained look on her face. Why had I not noticed it before?
Andy's gone, too. Probably he has gone to visit his friend Samuel. These two were extremely close. I saw Sarah toss a sideways glance at me, evidently seeing the anxiousness on my face.

"Aurelia, don't worry. Concentrate on your work.' Sarah said in a reassuring voice, though her tone expressed anxiousness as well.

"I can't, Sarah. I feel like something is wrong.' I sighed, tossing my head back and leaning against the chair.

"I don't think anything-"

Sarah was cut off by a shrill scream.

I jumped in shock as Sarah bolted up and rushed for the door. Siren sounded as she reached the locked door and pulled open a crack. Her face whitened as she slammed the door back shut with a strangled gasp, whipping around to face me.

"We've got to move, now." She hissed, a look of fear and anxiety appearing on her face. "The Rebels are attacking our compound."

"W-What!?" I stammered, unable to process the information. The Rebels have been beaten to a pulp not even a month ago! How the Hell were they able to attack our compound within such a short period of time?!

Seventy MilesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora