-Corrupted Silence-

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Being insane doesn't mean that I can't be nice.

I can, in my own ways.

Ways that others find gruesome and sadistic.

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"Subject is currently tranquilized. Please proceed in inserting the IV." A mechanical voice sounded, one that I've heard for way too many times that it was dreadful enough to keep me unhappy, not that I was happy anyways, being kept in this place comparable to Hell.

A blindfold has been placed over my eyes, for no real purpose. Maybe they like to keep me in the darkness, like I was for the past few months. Or years, even tens of years. I lost track of time during my stay here. It wasn't pleasant at all.

I sometimes worry about my sister. Is she alright by herself? Would she cry if she saw me like this, being used as a.... test subject, having liquids being slipped inside my veins all the time, and drugged to the state of unconsciousness almost every day? Would she grieve for my supposed death?

I will never know. Lia will never know that I'm alive. How I longed to see those blue eyes, tainted with grey. They always held warmth and joy. Would I ever... see those innocent eyes again?

I was selfish. I kept her out of harm's way most of the time but only to get myself captured, leaving my vulnerable sister exposed to the harsh outside world.

Tears stung my eyes and they rolled down my cheek. Dear God, Lia is only sixteen. How will she live by herself? Will she be taken to an orphanage? Will she be murdered by the cruel world and the cold society we're in?

Tired, so tired of everything.

I hear footsteps approach me. The clinking and the creaking sound of the floor told me that they were wheeling some sort of a cart towards me. I'm certainly not pleased, don't get me wrong. I'll just hope that it's over soon and I won't feel anything.

I don't want to feel anything.

The bitter smell of alcohol drifted into my nostrils as I felt a cool liquid being dabbed onto my arm. I tried in vain to struggle, but nothing, not one part of my body was able to move.

"Great work of anesthesia you've done there, Doc." A cheerful voice sounded, in contrast to the harsh and cold environment. "He seemed to be in the exactly right state."

"Don't mention it. He's going to feel pain a thousand times worse than if he hasn't been drugged beforehand, when he regained consciousness completely." A cold, but soft voice responded.

Surprising. That's more than they had ever talked. They were silent most of the time.

"Doctor, I think he is regaining consciousness." The cheerful voice sounded again.

I hear the creaking of a chair as someone approached me. The smell of disinfectant and rubbing alcohol rolling off of him is overwhelming. Maybe he's the doctor.

"He's waking up, Doc. I can see-" The same voice broke the silence again, sounding a little worried.

"Shush, Elise." A voice, much louder, sounded.

The voice instantly shut up. The room was so still.. I couldn't hear anything whatsoever other than the steady dripping of some of kind of machine that was always present.


"I said to shut UP!" The male shouted. I flinched a little, not exactly scared of him but certainly uneasy. What was causing him so much frustration?

"Elise, listen." The same voice sounded, sounding rather exasperated. "He's not a regular patient, he's an enemy. Sympathy towards such people is unacceptable and you know that. Now for the umpteenth time, shut up before I decide to send you home early."

"But Doctor... He's just a normal person-" The light voice sounded, worry laced in her words.

"Look," The other voice said sharply. "I know he's a normal person, but we simply can't let him live as if he's one of us. It's already bad enough, the situ-"

The voice stopped suddenly.

I frowned underneath my blindfold. The what? I've never heard of him stopping so abruptly. This is definitely something new, something different. I began to shift slightly, careful not to strain my body against the restraints and attempting to keep my moments delicate and slow. I cautiously laid my head flat against the pillow so both ears are flat without anything obstructing them. I smiled bitterly to myself. Time to eavesdrop, the one thing I'm good at and the one thing that lead to my capture.

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