Chapter 7

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Hade's POV

After a few more minutes of Izzy and I prattling, I felt arms snake around me. I immediately knew who it was by the sparks and warmth I feel whenever she touches me. "Hey, darling." she whispered in why ear. I blushed at how close we were. Izzy cleared her throught. I sat up straighter and looked over in Izzy's direction. She looked angry.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

She opened her mouth to answer but before she could, Zella cut her off, "Yes, Miss Phillips, what ever is the matter?" I shivered in pleasure at hearing her voice again. It has felt like forever since I've last heard it.

Izzy's eyes hardend, "It's nothing."

I lifted my brows and leaned in closer to Izzy, Zella doing the same since she was leanig on my back, tilting my head and saying, "Come on, Iz. I know you better than that to know it's not "nothing" but something."

Izzy blushed and turned away while pushing her glasses up. "I don't want to talk about it."

Zella pushed us back up so we were sitting straight again. "Please tell me. If something's bothering you, I want to know about it so I can stop it." I spoke to her softly.

Izzy looked down and started fiddling with her fingers. Zella started rocking us back and forth and I grabbed her wrist with my hands and followed along. Zella leaned in closer, her breasts pushing against my back even more. I couldn't help but blush at the silly thoughts that ran through my mind. I needed to quickly think of something before I had an "issue".

Izzy, saving me from embarrassment, started talking, "I don't think you'd want to stop it."

What was that supposed to mean? Why wouldn't I want to stop it? More importantly, what's even the problem? Zella tore me out of my thoughts. "Darling," she whispered, her breath fanning across my cheek, "I don't think she wants to share with you that information. Since sharing is caring, she obviously doesn't care."

Izzy rolled her eyes and fisted her tiny hands, "I do care!! But I don't want him hurt!!" What on earth is she talking about? She's creating more questions instead of answering the ones I've given her.

"Izzy, I'm confused. What are you talking about?" I asked her. She looked at me with watery eyes and muttered something under her breath. Zella, somehow hearing Izzy, tensed up behind me. Izzy quickly ran away with tears in her eyes.

Just as I was about to run after her, I heard Zella growl and that locked me in place. The vibrations from her chest coming in contact with my back only added fuel to the fire of lust I was feeling right now. Between the warmth I felt whenever Zella was around and the sparks I felt when we touched, her breasts pressed against my back, the vibrations from her low growls, her lips nibbling at my ear every few seconds, I couldn't help but let out a low moan. Quickly realizing what I had just done, I blushed and covered my face.

Zella giggles and turns to sit on my lap which was probably a bad idea at the moment. She moved a bit, turning this way and that way, which definitely didn't help my problem. She finally picked the position she liked-- sitting on my lap with her legs on each side of me. I peaked a look at her through my fingers. Zella sighed and put her soft hands on mine. Cupping them, she tore my hands away from my face and saw how red I was. She leaned in closer, her lips centimeters from mine and my breathing became shallow. I watched her with wide eyes wondering what her next move would be. You never know with her. "Darling," she whispered, "may I please get a taste of you?"

Not really trusting my words, too afraid they'd come out sounding breathless, I merely nodded. Zella giggled again. "Good." She said while smiling. She pecked the corners of my mouth and my nose before finally meeting her lips with mine. The moment our mouths touched sent sparks flying everywhere and goosebumps broke out on my skin. The little minx on my lap pulled on my bottom lip before letting it go and then licking it. Not fully understanding what I was doing, my hands found Zella's hips and I pushed her closer to me than I thought was possible. Her hands twisted themselves in my black hair. I kissed her deeply and I heard her moan. It satisfied me and made me happy knowing I pleasured her and did a good job with our intimate kiss. I knew we had broken the rule of no PDA but at the moment, I didn't care one bit.

Getting out of breath, I pulled away even though I didn't want to. Catching our breath, Zella and I looked at each other and smiled. She pressed our foreheads together and nuzzled into me. I wrapped my arms around her like she did me and held her tightly. It was then that I noticed a crowd had formed around the table I was seated at. Everyone looked shocked or confused. Getting nervous about all the eyes staring at me, I tapped Zella's shoulder. "Uh, Zella? Look." She looked up and turned around facing the crowd.

She smiled at them and waved. All the guys swooned at her which made me jealous for some reason. Tightening my hold on Zella, I scanned the faces and saw Izzy with tears running down her apple cheeks. She ran away for the second time today. Zella, already knowing what I was about to do, said, "Leave her. She needs to cool off. She needs to know that you are and will always be forever only mine."

She looked at me and saw my discomfort about the crowd. "Darling, are they bothering you with their presence?"

She didn't have to put it like that but yeah. "Um, I guess so?" It sounded more like a question than an answer.

Zella turned back to the crowd and with a booming voice commanded all of them, "Leave now. We no longer want nor need you filthy peasants here."

She didn't have to be that rude about it,  I thought. But even with her rudeness, they all left which shocked me because over half of these people wouldn't listen to the principle much less a new student. "Did you not like all of their eyes on you, darling?" Zella asked.

"No, not really." I told her truthfully.

Zella smiled and lifted my chin up with her finger to meet my eyes with hers. "Well you will have to adjust with attention now. For you will become future King." She spoke in a soft voice.

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