Chapter 1

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I took one last look in the mirror. My black and red hair was in a perfect, straight condition. My blood red lipstick was perfect with my red, fading into black eyeshadow. Really, I didn't need to wear any dark shade of red lipstick. My lips are darker than pink but lighter than a dark red color. So I guess you would say my lips were red. But what would you expect? I am a vampire after all. I drink blood and blood is red, so it stains my lips untill it's just a natural light shade of red. I didn't put any mascara on because my eyelashes are long and thick so I don't see the point in putting it on. "All though this is true, you still need to look your best." my mother would always tell me anytime I would complain about putting on mascara. I didn't use any blush either, because my cheeks are a rosey pink anyway. Well, my face looks pretty good. But what about my outfit? I looked down to observe what I was wearing. My hair fell in my face while doing so. I huffed and held my hair in both hands. So much for my hair to be nice and straight, I thought.

My outfit was pretty simple. A red tank-top with a black leather jacket. I wore a short black skirt with leggings under it, covering my legs. I gave myself a hum of approval before walking off in my walk-in closet. I looked up at a nearby shelf labeled 'shoes'. I like to keep my things organized. I grabbed a white box with the lable 'flats' printed on it. I walked over to my bed, box in hand. Sitting down, I bounced a little on my bed. I turned slightly to my right, and sat the box down. Opening the lid to the box, I pulled out my favorite pair of flats. They were red with black lace that resembled spiderwebs. I smiled at myself before laying the shoes on the wooden floor. I closed the box and laid the box aside to put up for later. I looked down at the flats again, before standing up and slipping them on. I heard light footsteps coming up the hall before hearing a soft knock at the door. "Coming!" I said. I walked to my large, red door and pushed down on the black metal handle. One of the maids of our castle was standing their with her head bowed, showing her respect for her princess.

"Dearest Princess, our king has requested for you to assist the trainers now." She said. I knew what that meant. It meant I needed to hurry up and start training the future warriors. I swear, my dad expects me to jump when he hollers. 

"Yes, yes. I already know. I don't need you telling me what to do!" I snapped. The elderly maid flinched back at my harshness. But I didn't care.

"But, princess, I didn't. The kin-" I cut her off.

"Oh. So now your backtalking your princess?" I questioned. "That will earn you a punishment, old lady. Be expecting one later on the evening." The maid let a silent tear slide down her pale, wrinkly cheek. Our punishment isn't all about the whip slashing. Oh, no. It's that and much worse. Sometimes we just punish people for no reason, besides the fun of it. But, again, what would you suspect? We're demons after all. The only people I would never hurt would be my father, mother, and brother. Even though I wish to strangle them at times, I would never hurt them intentionally. If I did they probably deserved it. Well, there is someone else I would never hurt. My mate. But I probably won't find him anytime soon, so it's best not to dwell about it. I snapped out of my thoughts and noticed the made was still standing there, waiting to be dismissed. "Get out of my sight, you hag. I do not wish to be stained in your presence any longer then I already have." I sneered. 

The maid bowed her head and left with tears streaming down her face. I don't care about her feelings, though. If she died the only thing I would miss about her is torturing her. I love hearing someone screaming and sobbing out in pain because of me. I should get going to the training grounds now. I walked into my room, shutting the door behind me. Gathering everything I would need for today, I stuffed it all in a bag. I looked around the room one more time, checking to see if I didn't grab something I need.

With a quick nod of assurance to myself, I jogged out of my bedroom and locked the door behind me. I put the key in my bag and slung the bag across my shoulder. I jogged down the hallway and down to the training grounds. This is something I always dread.


"Right punch!" I ordered. They did it. That's how this worked. Simple, right? Well, apparently not to these dimwits I'm training. They always seem to screw something up.

"Left punch!" They did. I scanned the group with my light grey eyes, seeing if everyone did it right.

"Roundhouse kick!" I yelled. Everyone attempted to do it but failed at it miserably. "Ugh! I give up! You guys are useless! We'll practice some more tomorrow." I said. Geez, and these guys are going to protect our castle someday!


I walked up the hall to my room. I stopped at my door and fished for the key out of my bag. As I was about to unlock my door, I noticed a piece of paper taped to my door. I grabbed it and ripped it off my door. It said it was from father. Oh goodness. What could he want now? I unfolded the paper and read through it.

My dearest daughter,

I expect you to come to my office after your done training and reading this. It's very important and cannot wait any longer. I will not take "no" as a answer, either. This will impact your life as much as everyone else's here. Get down to my office immediately.

Love always,

Your father<3

Did he really draw a heart? Wow, this must really be serious if he did that. He never does anything like that unless it's very important. What could he want? Why would it impact my life?

Well we'll find out soon, I thought. I unlocked my door and put my things away. I decided I would take a shower and whatever my dad had to tell me could wait till after I'm done.


I made my way down to my dad's office. I stopped at a red door labeled 'Devil' in black. I pushed the handle down and walked in. Father was sitting at his desk with mother in his lap. My brother was standing in front of the desk. My father had black hair and orange eyes, he said his eye color resembled fire. My mother had long red hair that reached down to her lower back while mine went down just above my bum. Mother had a dark  grey eye color. My brother took after dad with black hair but took after my mom with the dark grey eyes. They seemed to be fighting over something but soon stoped when I walked in. "You wanted to see me?" I asked.

"Yes," my dad said. "I'm sending you to the human world."

"WHAT?" My brother and I shouted at the same time.


A/N: Oh no!

Any questions? I'll answer them.

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