Nina shrugged at the same time as Ellie shook her head, "No idea."


That night I met Nick on his side. We made out a little, and then he took me to that beautiful place hidden under the plants with that perfect view.

I told him everything. Everything at all; starting from how Nina and Ellie greeted me yesterday and ending with Sabrina's words.

I felt Nick's chest vibrate as he laughed, since my back was pressed against his chest, me sitting in between his legs as his arms were wrapped around me.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked, looking up at him.

He looked down at me with amusement in his eyes that seemed more beautiful every day, "And you believe that?"

I shrugged, looking back at the mountains, "Not completely. I mean, she has escaped from mental asylum, but... I don't know, it's obvious that the teachers are hiding something from us and plus that story about Lestrade..." I sigh, "I don't even know what to believe anymore."

I felt the top of my head heat up as Nick's lips kissed it, "It's alright babe, don't worry about it. I'm sure there's nothing going on that weird, and even if there is, we'll go through."

A warm smile krept up on my face as the words escaped my lips, "I want you to promise me something."

"Whatever, babe."

"I want you to not tell me I love you if you won't mean it. I don't want those thrown away loves, I don't want the word to get worn out. I want you to not tell those words to me if you don't feel it. And if you'll ever feel it, you should tell me."

"Tell you right away?"

I look up at him, "Yes, right away."

He looked away into the distance before looking back down at me, his eyes darting to my lips for a second and then returning to bore into my eyes, "I love you."

I had to fight the urge to scream or widen my eyes the least, "You do?"

He nodded with a smile, "I do, I have for a while by now."

"Are you sure?"

"God, why wouldn't I be?" he said, "I love you."

I smile, my heart melting, "I love you, too."

His eyes reflected surprise, "You do?"

I smiled wider, "I have for a while by now."

He smiled back, leaning down and kissing me the most soft that we've ever kissed.

"I love you," he whispered throughout the kiss.

"I love you too," I whisper back and our lips reconnect.

That night I almost haven't slept at all. Which was good, including the fact that last night that sleep paralysis repeated. I woke up with a huge weight on my chest, like before, and I saw an intruder in my room. I couldn't move. I re-opened my eyes and sat up gasping. I tried turning the lights on, but nothing happened. I tried looking in the mirror, but I wasn't seen. I knew that until I jumped sit with a gasp for air, it was sleep paralysis no doubt. But whatever was happening after that was totally unknown to me.

I fell asleep at almost 5AM, being back in the boarding house after 3AM. I slept peacefully for an hour and an half, and then I woke up by the alarm buzz.

Before going to school the next morning, we left the note to Sabrina under a rock, asking her to come after the school.

At lunch when Clary saw that Ellie and Nina sat with us, her eyes widen.

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