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  "YAYA ARE YOU HERE ?" I yell as I make my way through the foyer of my Grandma's house.

  "Boy would you shut up, I'm not deaf yet. It's too damn early for you to be that loud."

I laugh at her remark before I pull her into a tight hug and kiss her forehead.      
  "I'm sorry Yaya. How are you?"

She grabbed my face to kiss both of my cheeks.
  "I'm doing fine baby, what you doing here so early ?"

  "I just wanted to see you. I'm leaving in less than an hour. I had to make sure you're straight before I leave."

  "Aw thank you baby. But I already told you, you don't have to check on me everytime. I'm doing good, don't worry about me." She said and sat on a chair in her kitchen.
  "You going to see your mom ?"

I nod my head as I lay against her kitchen counter.

  "Oh well I talked to her on the phone last week I guess. You let her know that I'm still thinking about her and can't wait to see her."

  "Will do."

  "You going to be ok ?"

"Always." I crack a little smile.

"Alright. You want me to fix you something to eat before you leave ? I know that plane food is nasty." She said as she begins to look into her kitchen cabinet.

"I would gladly say yes but I'm already late. Ty Ty is waiting on me in the car. I just came to see you and let you know I would be out of town until monday. So don't bother but thank you."

She nodded her head and walked me to the door and hugged me again.
"Be careful out there please. And tell Ty Ty next time he doesn't come say Hi, i'm beating his ass." She says waving her index finger in my face.

I laugh and hug her back.
"Ok got it Gangsta. I see you in a few days. You call me if you need anything ok ?"

"I won't need anything. Have a good flight."

"Thanks Yaya." I kissed her forehead one last time and jogged down the stairs once she closed the door.

I got in Tyty's car and immediately told him what she said. She never forgets and she's serious about delivering her message.

"Man why did you tell her I was even here ? I told you I would stop by later."

I shrug my shoulders and laugh.
"Nun' of my buissness nigga."

"You're so childish." He shook his head and started the car.

Ty Ty is my childhood best friend. Nah let me scratch that. He's my brother. I have known him since forever, we used to live on the same block in New York. Sadly his mama died when he was about 16 years old. The day I got a call from him crying and confessing that he didn't have shit left or a place to stay. I bought him a plane ticket for LA and got ready to beg my grandma to let him stay with us. But being her she said yes in a heartbeat. Ty Ty stayed with us until he turned 18 and got his own apartment, same for me.

Luckily I was able to catch my flight. Damn, it's always bitter sweet to go back to New York, this city where I got some of my best and worst memories. But I will always love my city.

At the airport I quickly caught an Uber and went to get my rental car then headed to my hotel. I'm so fucking tired. I took a well needed shower and went straight for a nap.

As soon as my head hit the pillow, I heard my phone go off on the nightstand. I suck my teeth and reach it out to see who the fuck is calling me.

When I saw Beanie's name pop up, I just knew I wouldn't get any sleep.

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