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  "This is going to be a perfect night." Kelly said as we stepped out of the car. I didn't say anything, but I agree. I'm not sure if it's the weather, the neighborhood, or both but something created a vibe that could only lift a mood.

She grabbed me by the hand and led me down the street toward a beauty lounge "The Clinic".

As soon as we enter I squeeze her hand and pull her back toward me.
  "Why is this place popping like a club?" I ask her as she leads me through the crowd. Even on the sidewalk, people were grooving to the heavy music playing.

  "Because it basically is," she replied before she turned around and continued to drag me with her.

The lights are bright, and the crowd is thick. But Kelly moves like nobody is here. I smile as she urges me onto a couch where I recognize two beautiful girls as Kelly's friends and coworkers. Lala & Ciara.

Kelly lived in LA for about a year and a half, she's a year older than me and when she graduated from high school she got the hell out of Houston. And since she's been in LA she became a hairstylist.
We both grew up together but had two different childhoods. And for our own different reasons we both wanted to get away from our old life.

Anyway, the night went by slowly. I had a really good time but unfortunately after a little while we lost Lala and Ciara to work duties the next morning. So it's just me and Kelly now.

After some time she stood up and told me.
  "I need to use the bathroom, I'll be right back."

  "Wait !" I jump up with every intention to follow her like always.
  "I'm coming"

  "No you stay here."

  "What ? You're leaving me by myself ?"

Her eyebrow shot up. "Yeah, to go pee."

  "Or, I could go with you like we always do ? What's wrong with you ?"

  "Then who would watch our seat huh ?" She replies in a duh tone, wearing a little smirk that I know oh too well.

Ok I didn't think of that.
  "Ok, I'll wait here." I finally gave in still a little suspicious.

  "I'll be right back," she assured me again with a smirk. This little heffer is up to no good I just know it. And of course, she wasn't coming back.

After I danced on the couch through the songs, and turned down more than one offer to "come upstairs and get to know each other". I decided to stand up, and look in the direction she went to see if maybe she was stuck in a line for the bathroom. And oh boy she was stuck for sure.

Stuck in the face of some dude, another one of her coworkers. The barber she's talking my ears off since she met him. They've been on their friend with benefits things and seem to love it.

As if she could feel my eyes on her she turned away to look at me with apologetics eyes. I could read 'I'm sorry' on her lips before they curved into a small pout. I wink at her and throw a thumb up to let her know that I'm good and to enjoy herself.

I lost count on how many times Kelly sacrificed having a fun night to stay with my ass, so I'm not even trippin'.

I decided to use this opportunity to take in the scenery. Honestly the club was freaking beautiful. I was scanning the crown when I saw someone who looked quite familiar to me. Oh, I think it's the guy from Target but I'm not really sure. If he could just turn his head to th- oh here we are ! That is definitely him. Damn, he looked finer than the last time I saw him. I didn't realize I was staring so hard until I saw him turn his head toward his friend who was pointing at me.

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